Knowing All about Hunan

Bayberry map of Jingzhou County to guide tourists

Updated:2016-06-02 10:59:02

Rednet (Jingzhou): Jingzhou County of Hunan Province published a new guiding map on May 31, for guiding tourists in searching spots and cuisines in Jingzhou, by the company of Jingzhou "Bayberry girls" in Miao minority clothes.

Different from formal maps, the guiding map is in the cartoon and colorful style by marking 32 ethnic-style buildings with more than 10 roads, from Disun Miao Village and Jiulong Mountain to Yanjiao Dong Village and Wenfeng Tower, from the orchard on Feishan Island to Feishan Park, Paiya Moutain and other spots of Jingzhou . The map will be distributed to every tourist during Bayberry Festival of Feishan 

    Original Link: “杨梅阿妹”首亮相 靖州发布“萌萌哒”旅游导览图

  红网靖州站6月1日讯(分站记者 刘杰华 通讯员 潘晓波)5月31日,湖南省靖州县发布新版旅游导览图,靖州杨梅节首款吉祥物“杨梅阿妹”身着花苗服饰、手持导游小旗,在地图上惊艳亮相,让人倍觉“萌萌哒”。

  不同于一般严格按照比例尺绘制的旅游图,该地图色彩鲜艳、造型卡通,风格非常萌。地图上近32栋少数民族风格建筑,10多条马路,从地笋苗寨、九龙山到岩脚侗寨、文峰塔,从太阳岛上百果园到飞山公园、排牙山,靖州大大小小各处景点图上一目了然、栩栩如生。 靖州旅游导览图将在2016中国·靖州杨梅节暨飞山文化旅游节期间,免费发放给每一个来靖州品尝杨梅。