Knowing All about Hunan

Legend of White Snake in a children’s edition to be released

Updated:2016-10-10 11:00:45


Rednet (Changsha): During National Day holiday, The Legend of White Snake segment in a children’s edition was popular in WeChat Moments. In the interview on October 8, Executive Director Lu Jianmei revealed that, The Legend Of White Snake in a children’s edition for 88 minutes will be on screen in October.  

According to, Journey to the West and Hua Mu Lan in a children’s edition are being filmed in Guizhou and other places; Princess Pearl series in a children’s edition will be filmed next year.

Original link: 儿童版“白娘子”走红惊呆导演组 将筹拍《还珠》  

红网长沙10月8日讯(时刻新闻记者 朱青)国庆长假期间,一段儿童版的《新白娘子传奇》刷爆微信朋友圈。10月8日执行导演陆剑梅接受红网娱乐采访时透露,儿童版《新白娘子传奇》正片共有88分钟,10月即将亮相荧屏。
