Knowing All about Hunan

Okair's direct flight from Changsha to Boracay debuts

Updated:2017-10-24 14:43:15


长滩岛的日落。 旅行社供图 Sunset view ofBoracay

  红网时刻10月22日讯(记者 姚冶)记者今日获悉,奥凯航空将从10月29日起,开通长沙直飞菲律宾卡利博正班航线,该航线的开通改变了湖南和周边省份游客赴菲律宾长滩岛旅游要从广州或者其他城市转机的不便,节约了转机的时间。

  Rednet (Changsha): Okair's direct flight from Changsha to Boracay of Philippines will start their airlines from October 29, tourists can save time from transferring flight.


  The flight will operates in each Wednesday,Friday and Sunday by Boeing 737-800 of 187 passengers for each flight. The take-off time of flight BK2761 in Changsha is at 09:55 am; the take-off time of flight BK2762 inKalibois at 14:15 pm , and arrival time is expected to be 17:35 in Changsha.


  Boracay is located in the middle of the Philippines, where more than 500,000 people spend their holidays there each year. Coconut trees is everywhere on the island; white sand beach, blue sea and sky make the beautiful view. The beach is 4 kilometers long of white delicate sand.

  Link : 奥凯航空开通长沙直飞长滩岛正班航线 无需转机