Rednet (Changsha): Du Jiahao, Governor and Deputy Secretary of Hunan CPC , investigated the work of Hunan health and family planning system recently, and he stressed that health system should seriously implement the spirit of President Xi’s important speech and Liu Yandong’s instructions during her investigation in Hunan, with the improving work on every aspects of medical services and building up a better service network with active awareness new conditions, and adapted new requirements, and led new trends.
Provincial officials attended the investigation, including Li Youzhi and Dai Daojin by the company of Gao Wenbing, Secretary of CPC in Central South University.
Du Jiahao visited Hunan Provincial people's Hospital, and he listened the reports on hospital work. He fully affirmed the actively exploration of the reform on public hospitals. When he learned that the hospital was planning a new expansion, Du told hospital managers to make full use of market resource and to find out the best combination of local needs and itself’s development with better and faster growth.
Oringinal Link: 杜家毫在省卫计系统调研:努力织好医疗卫生服务网
Du Jiahao: to improve medical and health service networks
Updated:2014-12-26 10:15:32
Updated:2014-12-26 10:15:32
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