Knowing All about Hunan

Xu Shousheng: to fulfill CPPCC’s duties by better suggestions on Four All-round Ways

Updated:2015-01-30 12:11:28


(In the morning of January 29, Xu Shousheng, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee and director of the Standing Committee of Hunan People's Congress, attended the joined discussion of different Parties in the third session of the 11th of Hunan CPPCC (China People's Political Consultative Conference) , along with Chen Qiufa, Chairman of Hunan CPPCC. )


 ( Xu Shousheng carefully listened in the meeting, and then he made a speech. )


 (Chen Qiufa, Chairman of Hunan CPPCC, hosted the meeting.)


 (Deputies of Hunan CPPCC made suggestions and recommendations on multiple topics of economic and social development in Hunan.)


Rednet ( Changsha): on January 29, Xu Shousheng, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee and director of the Standing Committee of Hunan People's Congress, attended the joined discussion of different Parties (including China demcratic league, China Association for Promoting Democracy, Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, China Zhi Gong Dang and Agricultural sectors )in the third session of the 11th of Hunan CPPCC (China People's Political Consultative Conference).  Xu stressed that Hunan should always adhere to the CPPCC’s function on Political consultations for implement democracy by making better suggestions on “Four All-round Ways”, with constantly improving its performance on the duties . According to President Xi’s speech, “Four all-round ways” stands for  building  moderately prosperous society building a well-off society in an all-round way;  deepening the reforms in an all-round way;  Promoting law-based governance of the country in an all-around way and comprehensively strengthening party governance and discipline in an all-around way.

Chen Qiufa, Chairman of the people's political consultative conference, participated in the discussion along with other provincial officials including Han Yongwen, Yang Weigang.

Oringinal Link:徐守盛:围绕“四个全面”建言献策 不断提高履职尽责能力