编者按:全国两会,湖南时刻。红网英文频道推出双语特刊《双语两会·看湖南》,为你梳理湖南代表团动态、聚焦提案议案、关注热点话题。今天推出第二期。 一. 聚焦两会:外交部长王毅答记者会“关键词” 女人花,摇曳在春风中,3月8日妇女节当天,时刻姐依然奋战在工作岗位,和大家一起来看看外交部部长王毅就中国的外交政策和对外关系等问题中提及了几个“关键词”的英文词汇。 王毅:今年是中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年。作为当年世界反法西斯战争的东方主战场,中方参照其他国家的做法,举办包括阅兵式在内的活动十分正常、自然,目的就是要铭记历史、缅怀先烈、珍爱和平、开辟未来。我们会向所有的有关国家领导人和国际组织发出邀请,不管是谁,只要诚心来,我们都欢迎。70年前,日本输掉了战争,70年后日本不应再输掉良知。是继续背着历史包袱不放,还是与过去一刀两断,最终要由日本自己来选择。 马航370航班失联一年还没找到搜寻仍将继续 (资料图:MH370 失联。来源:网络) 王毅:记得去年也是今天,马航370航班失联。一年过去了,飞机还没有找到,但搜寻仍将继续。对于马航370航班的乘客家属,今天是艰难的一天,我们的心和大家在一起。马航已经启动了理赔的工作,我们愿意为每一位家属提供一切需要的服务,帮助大家维护好正当和合法的权益。 "The search for MH370 will continue," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told a press conference on the sidelines of the annual parliamentary session one year after the Boeing 777 aircraft with 239 people onboard disappeared during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.[Full text]
中加签证 中加签证10年有效从明天实施 【外长:让中国人有场说走就走的旅行】王毅介绍,中加签证10年有效,从明天实施。王毅还介绍,中国脚步到哪里,保护到哪里;让中国人有场说走就走的旅行,走的更顺利,更舒心。 China and Canada just reached an agreement on granting visas to each other's citizens, with the validity period of up to 10 years, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here Sunday.The new visa policy will take effect on Monday, he said. [full text]
中朝领导人会晤 回应“中朝领导人何时会晤” China says DPRK leader meeting to happen when 'convenient' 王毅:中朝是友好邻邦,中国人重信义、讲情义。我们珍视中朝传统友谊,致力于两国关系的正常发展。中朝关系有着牢固基础,不应也不会受一时一事的影响。至于两国领导人何时会晤,这要看双方的方便。
紧急12308 王毅:去年外交部设立了全球领事保护应急呼叫中心12308热线,为海外游子与祖国亲人之间架起了一条全天候、零时差、无障碍的绿色通道,不管同胞们身处海外哪个角落,遇到什么困难,只要拨通这个电话,就能在第一时间得到外交部和驻外使领馆的帮助。12308开通仅仅半年,我们就接到了3万多通电话,很多同胞表示,有了这条热线,在国外更踏实了,感觉祖国随时就在身边。我们希望更多同胞知道这条热线,用好这条热线,有困难,请拨12308。 花絮:剪刀手原来是引号 (王毅比“剪刀手”。外交部微博:外长也卖萌) 外长也卖萌,不过时刻姐要以正视听,这不是剪刀手!这是打引号的手势哦 The double V Pose of Foreign Minister Wang Yi's actually stands for quotation marks. 二. 聚焦湖南 湖南代表团举行第三次全体会议 马凯张平参加 (3月7日,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理马凯参加湖南代表团审议。 湖南日报记者 张目 摄) (3月7日上午,湖南代表团举行第三次全体会议,审议政府工作报告,审查计划、预算报告。 殷建军 摄) In the morning of March 7, Hunan delegation hold the 3rd plenary session todeliberate on government work report, to review the plan and budget report. 红网北京3月7日讯(湖南日报记者 蒙志军 唐婷 时刻新闻记者 廖洁)3月7日上午,湖南代表团举行第三次全体会议,审议政府工作报告,审查计划、预算报告。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理马凯,全国人大常委会副委员长张平参加审议并讲话。 [Reported by Liao Jie; Photo by Zhang Yao/Rednet](Beijing)March 7,2015 In the morning of March 7, Hunan delegation held its 3rd plenary session to deliberate on government work report, to review the plan and budget report. Member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Vice-Premier of the State Council Ma Kai, Vice Chairman of China's NPC Standing Committee Zhang Ping attended and addressed the discussion. more>> 受国务院委托,国家新闻出版广电总局局长蔡赴朝到会听取意见。代表团团长徐守盛,副团长杜家毫、于来山、陈肇雄、谢勇参加审议。参加会议的还有:李江、张剑飞、赖明勇、康为民、游劝荣、赵永平、黄伯云等。会议由杜家毫主持。 Commissioned by state council, director of the state administration of press and publication, radio and television Cai Fuzhao attended the meeting. Head of Hunan delegation Xu Shousheng, Deputy head of Hunan delegation Du Jiahao were present at the meeting, accompany by Yu Laishan, Chen Zhaoxiong and Xie Yong. Deputies like Li Jiang, Zhang Jianfei, Lai Mingyong, Kang Weimin, You Quanrong, Zhao Yongping, Huang Boyun also attended the panel discussion which was hosted by Du Jiahao. more>> 徐守盛通过红网等媒体祝全省女同胞节日快乐 (全国人大代表、湖南省委书记、省人大常委会主任徐守盛祝全省女同胞节日快乐) NPC delegate Xu Shousheng, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee and director of the Standing Committee of Hunan People's Congress wishes Hunan female a happy holiday. 红网北京3月7日讯(时刻新闻记者 廖洁 摄影 章尧)一年一度的三八妇女节即将到来,3月7日,在京参加十二届全国人大三次会议的全国人大代表、湖南省委书记、省人大常委会主任徐守盛通过湖南日报、红网等媒体向全省广大女同胞致以节日的问候。 [Reported by Liao Jie; Photo by Zhang Yao/Rednet](Beijing)March 7,2015 The annual Women’s Day falls on March 8. NPC delegate Xu Shousheng, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee and director of the Standing Committee of Hunan People's Congress wishes Hunan female a happy holiday through Hunan Daily, Rednet and other media. more>> 声音:湖南代表团谈保护女性权益保护 全国人大代表魏旋君:“四个立足”发挥妇女半边天作用
(全国人大代表、益阳市委书记魏旋君认为,做好“四个立足”,在推进“四个全面”中发挥妇女半边天作用。) [Reported by Xiao Yi/Rednet](Beijing)March 7,2015 NPC delegate Wei Xuanjun, Secretary of Yiyang municipal party Committee, advised to give full play to the role of women in the implement of "Four base" and "Four all-round ways". 全国人大代表傅莉娟:反家暴需要建立多部门合作机制 (全国人大代表、湖南省司法厅副厅长傅莉娟) [Reported by Feng Jun, Photo by Zhang Yao/Rednet](Beijing)March 7,2015 NPC delegate Fu Lijuan, Deputy Director-General of the Justice Department of Hunan Province, advised to conduct multisectoral collaboration against domestic violence. 全国人大代表蒋秋桃:应设立中华父母亲节取代洋节 [Reported by Feng Jun,/Rednet](Beijing)March 7,2015 NPC delegate Jiang Qiutao advised to celebrate Chinese Parents’ Day instead of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. “女人花”组图: (2015全国两会,傅莹第三次连任大会发言人,全国人大首位女发言人。)
Fu Ying is the first female spokesman of the National People's Congress.
(“任性”翻译姐张蕾) Capricious interpreter Zhang Lei (全国政协委员、著名歌手韩红) CNTV(Beijing)March 7,2015 Famous singer Hanhong, member of the national committee of CPPCC suggested to add safe sex education into Compulsory education curriculum. (3月5日,一名记者在北京人民大会堂外用自拍杆自拍。新华社记者 杨青 摄) On March 5, a journalist is taking a photo of herself. (Young female deputy Li Xinrong attends NPC session) Li Xinrong arrives early before a press conference on gender equality in Beijing, capital of China, March 7, 2015. Li Xinrong, born in 1985 in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is a deputy to China's 12th National People's Congress (NPC). She put forward proposals of promoting the reform and innovation of social organization system and supporting local rural highway construction during the third session of the 12th NPC. The young deputy worked as a village head for six years since graduation from college in 2008. Now, she has devoted herself to the welfare benefit cause, aiding more than 30 students from poverty-stricken families with her friends. (Xinhua/Yin Gang) more>> 红网英文频道综合报道 编译:李莎宁 周倩
China sincerely invites world leaders for WWII commemorations:
Japan "must not lose its conscience" when asked to face up to its wartime history and China welcomes leaders who are sincere about coming to the China-based commemorative events marking the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday.[Full text]
China says MH370 search to continue
China, Canada mutually grant 10-year visas
"As to when leaders of the two countries will meet, it will have to suit the schedules of both sides," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks at a press conference on the sidelines of the annual parliamentary session.
Around-the-clock hotline to provide consular protection services for Chinese nationals: 12308
The Foreign Ministry has set up an around-the-clock hotline to provide consular protection services for Chinese nationals. They could dial 12308 if they need assistance, the minister said. Chinese embassies and consulates have received more than 30,000 phone calls worldwide for half a year since the hotline was opened, he said. [Full text]
Ma Kai and Zhang Ping attend the 3rd plenary session held by Hunan delegation
On March 7,Member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Vice-Premier of the State Council Ma Kai joins Hunan delegation’s panel discussion.
三. 聚焦三八节
Xu Shousheng wishes Hunan female a happy holiday on Rednet
NPC delegate Wei Xuanjun: to give full play to the role of women in the implement of "Four base"
NPC delegate Fu Lijuan: to conduct multisectoral collaboration against domestic violence
NPC delegate Jiang Qiutao: to celebrate Chinese Parents’ Day instead of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
【双语两会·看湖南】第2期:外长“萌” 女人花
Updated:2015-03-08 14:31:41
Updated:2015-03-08 14:31:41
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