编者按:全国两会,湖南时刻。红网英文频道推出双语特刊《双语两会·看湖南》,为你梳理湖南代表团动态、聚焦提案议案、关注热点话题。今天推出第六期。 一. 聚焦全国两会 “春天来了,我种了一男朋友,明年春天就能收获好多男朋友,一个开车,一个捶背,一个煮饭,一个洗衣服……哈哈哈哈哈”今天是第37个植树节。也是开展全民义务植树运动34周年。1981年我国规定,除丧失劳动能力者外,凡中华人民共和国公民,男11至60岁,女11至55岁,每人每年都要植树3至5棵。掰掰手指,赶紧数数你要种多少棵树啦? 数不清不要紧,跟时刻姐一起来关注两会的"生态"话题,涨涨姿势吧。还有昨天,昨天科技部长万钢的记者会上,不少湖南“智造”成果列入了部长“点赞”清单。是不是很想知道呢? 习近平:保护“生态”如护眼睛 (习近平说,要让城市融入大自然,让居民望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁。) 生态文明建设:the establishment of ecological civilization 人类追求发展的需求(the demands of development)和人类追求发展的需求(the demands of development)和地球资源的有限供给(the Earth's limited resources)是一对永恒的矛盾(an enduring conflict),必须解决好“天育物有时,地生财有限,而人之欲无极”的矛盾,达到“一松一竹真朋友,山鸟山花好兄弟”的意境。
万钢“蛮拼”的 2014年科技工作极不平凡 Minister of science and technology gives press conference for 3rd session of 12th NPC Wan Gang, China's minister of science and technology, gives a press conference for the third session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC) in Beijing, capital of China, March 11, 2015. (Xinhua/Li Xin) 3月11日,十二届全国人大三次会议召开记者会。科技部部长万钢在回答记者提问时,连用8个“蛮拼的”总结去年中国的科技发展与科技改革工作。“‘天河二号’连续四年居世界超级计算机的榜首”、“杂交水稻百亩均产量超过1000公斤,又创下了一个世界纪录”……不少湖南“智造”成果列入部长“点赞”清单。 【详细】 On March 11, press conference for 3rd session of 12th NPC was held. Minister of science and technology spoke highly of China's science and technology development and reform last year by saying "They work extremely hard." 8 times. "Tianhe 2" consecutively ranks first among super computer in the world" "The hybrid rice yield per acre exceeds more than 1000 kilograms, breaking another record"……A lot of Hunan achievements were also praised by Wang Gang.
科技部部长万钢记者会关键词 “蛮拼的”:work extremely hard “蛮拼的”完全是一句中文口语,在英文中找不到直接对应的表达方式,所以翻译前得先推敲它原本表达的意思,并且根据实际语境语气来分析。 在贺词中,习大大是在肯定和赞扬各级干部的认真工作,用简单的英文词汇表达出“工作很努力”的意思即可。像中央电视台英语频道的官方微信翻译的就是“work extremely(非常) hard”。[Full text]
1.扩大公共产品和公共服务的供给: increased supplies of public goods and services to drive development 2.大众创业、万众创新:popular entrepreneurship and mass innovation 李克强总理在瑞士达沃斯年会上发表演讲时首次提出“双引擎”概念:一方面要改造升级传统引擎,扩大公共产品和公共服务的供给;另一方面要培育打造新引擎,推动大众创业、万众创新。2015年中国将采取措施为“双引擎”加油,使其释放能量助推中国经济保持“双中高”——实现中高速增长、迈向中高端水平。 China needs to develop the "twin engines" of popular entrepreneurship and mass innovation, alongside increased supplies of public goods and services to drive development, Premier Li Keqiang said in the government work report at the 2015 National People's Congress annual session. [Full text]
天河二号:Tianhe-2 supercomputer 国际TOP500组织公布了最新的全球超级计算机500强排行榜,中国的“天河二号”超级计算机以比第二名美国“泰坦”超级计算机快近一倍的速度,连续第三次获得冠军。 The Tianhe-2 supercomputer, developed by China's National University of Defense Technology, Changsha city of Hunan Province, remains the world's most powerful computer, according to a biannual Top500 list of supercomputers. Tianhe-2, which means "Milky Way-2" in Chinese, can operate at 33.86 petaflops per second, the equivalent of 33,860 trillion calculations per second. [Full text]
杂交水稻:hybrid rice 杂交水稻百亩均产突破1000公斤,引领世界杂交水稻超高产研究。 A team led by Yuan Longping, known in China as "the father of hybrid rice," has achieved a record for hybrid rice production with an average yield of 1,026.7 kilograms per mu (0.0667 hectare), an official with the Ministry of Agriculture said . [Full text]
相关阅读:湖南25个项目获2014年国家科技奖励 2014年1月在北京举行的国家科学技术奖励大会上,由湖南省单位主持和参与完成的25项成果获奖。其中,国防科大领衔完成的“天河一号高效能计算机系统”项目获国家科技进步奖特等奖,是湖南省第二次获得该奖项;清华大学教授、现任中南大学校长张尧学主持完成的“网络计算的模式及基础理论研究”项目获国家自然科学奖一等奖,是新中国成立以来计算机领域第二次斩获此奖项。 【详细】 “天河一号”获得国家科技进步奖特等奖 二. 聚集湖南 春风又绿江南岸,又到一年植树节。 March 12 is our National Tree Planting Day. 自五届全国人大四次会议颁布《关于开展全民义务植树运动的决议》以来,湖湘儿女自觉履行植树义务,推动城乡绿化事业健康发展,成功打造出绿色湖南靓丽名片。到2014年底,全省森林覆盖率达到59.57%,森林蓄积量达到4.84亿立方米。 Since the Resolution of the Implementation of National Voluntary Tree Planting Campaign was issued on fifth plenary session of National People's Congress’s fourth session, tens of millions of Huxiang sons and daughters has conscientiously fulfilled its obligation to planting trees which sustain-ably accelerates the development of urban and rural green construction and successfully creates a greener Hunan. By the end of 2014, Hunan forest coverage has increased to 59.57%, forest stocks volume has increased to 0.484 billion cubic meters. 当前,我国正处在“三期叠加”新阶段,经济发展进入新常态,城乡绿化面临新的形势和挑战。全省广大干部群众要认清形势,主动适应新常态,坚持不懈把义务植树推向深入,进一步推进生态建设,不断增强资源环境承载力和生态产品供给能力,建设天更蓝、地更绿、水更清的美好家园。 At present,our economy has entered the new normal, and urban and rural green construction is faced with new situation and great challenge. The whole provincial leaders should well know the situation to adapt initiatively to the new normal, keep on deepening voluntary tree planting, further promote ecological construction, continuously enhance resource environmental carrying capacity and ecological products supplying capacity, in order to a beautiful home in which the sky is bluer, ground greener and water cleaner. [Full text] 植树节当天,记者随机街头采访了部分市民,大部分市民不能完整说出长沙市的市树和市花。那长沙市的市树市花是什么呢?答案:长沙市的市树市香樟树、市花是杜鹃花。 (市树:香樟树,camphor tree) (市花:杜鹃花,azalea) 三.2015两会不可不知的热词(下篇:O-Z) O|Opening up 开放 China became a net foreign investor for the first time in 2014. However, foreign capital still plays a vital role in the Chinese economy, especially in improving the quality and efficiency of growth and in driving innovation. In 2015, China will further open up its service sector, guided by experience distilled from the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. P|Pollution 污染问题 "We will resolutely declare war against pollution as we declared war against poverty," said Premier Li Keqiang at the parliamentary sessions last year. A poll has showed that pollution control and environmental protection remains one of the biggest areas of public concern ahead of the two sessions. Q|Quality 质量 China will not pursue statistical growth single-mindedly, but try to strike a balance where industrial transformation and upgrading and a rational growth rate can all be achieved. The country is embarking on a development path characterized by efficiency, quality, sustainability and steadiness. R|Reform 改革 This year has been defined by the top leadership as a crucial period for deepening reform. In which fields will these reforms take place? The government work report will give the answer. S|Silk Road 丝绸之路 It is widely expected that more tangible achievements will be made in the "Belt and Road" networks. At their local legislative sessions, 31 Chinese provinces, cities and autonomous regions said they would actively participate in or support the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. 各方普遍预测2015年将成为“一带一路”(丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路)做深做实的一年。多个省市区在地方两会上表示将积极参与或服务于“一带一路”。 T|Tibet 西藏 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The Chinese central government's policies on governing Tibet will attract attention from reporters home and abroad. 2015年是西藏自治区成立50周年。中央治藏政策将是海内外记者们关注的话题。 U|United States 中美关系 Xi Jinping is scheduled to pay a State visit to the United States in September. Last year, China and the United States reached consensus in aspects including visa arrangements, trade and military trust. The two sides also released the landmark China-U.S. Joint Announcement on Climate Change. Reporters will try to get some hints on how China and the United States will rise above their differences. 习近平主席将于今年9月应邀对美进行国事访问。去年中美就签证互惠、军事互信、贸易谈判等问题达成多项协议与共识,还发表了具有里程碑意义的《中美气候变化联合声明》。未来两国如何拓展合作、管控分歧,各国记者们很可能借两会场合一探究竟。 V|Values 价值观 Authorities believe that moral and ethical education should run through the reform and opening up and influence ordinary people's lives, with the core socialist values of harmony, integrity and fairness being cultivated. 中国正提倡把精神文明建设贯穿改革开放和现代化全过程、渗透社会生活各方面,并大力培育和谐、公正、平等等社会主义核心价值观。 W|World 世界 Given China's fast development and closer ties with other nations, the world cares ever more about Chinese views and attitudes. Attention will be given to a series of regional hot-spot issues and worldwide issues at the two sessions. 随着中国的迅速发展和与世界的联系更加紧密,“中国怎么看”正变得越来越重要。一系列全球和地区热点话题将在两会受到关注。 X|Xi Jinping 习近平 The schedule of the Chinese President Xi Jinping will be closely watched. International and domestic media are wondering what he will say when discussing state affairs with national lawmakers and political advisors. 国家主席习近平的两会日程引人注目,国内外媒体都关注他与代表委员共商国是时会讲到什么。 Y|Year 承前启后之年 2015 marks the final year of China's 12th Five-Year Plan, and will also usher in the 13th Five-Year Plan towards the end of the year. The two sessions comes at a crucial period of time in between. 今年是全面完成“十二五”规划的收官之年,中国即将开启“十三五”规划。两会恰逢全面建成小康社会承前启后的关键时间点。 Z|Zone 自贸区 A year and a half after the launch of the pioneering Shanghai FTZ, similar FTZs in Guangdong, Fujian and Tianjin have been approved and may have an official kick-off very soon. Experts say they are not simple copies of the Shanghai FTZ, but more regionally integrated, targeted, and differentiated in their functions. 中国首个自由贸易试验区正式于上海挂牌近一年半后,粤闽津三个新设自贸区正式挂牌之日渐近。专家认为新一批自贸区并非对上海自贸区经验的简单复制,而是区域化特征明显、目标指向性更强,走差异化道路。
中共中央将“生态文明”(ecological civilization)建设放在了更加突出的位置。习近平总书记强调环境保护重要性时指出:“像保护眼睛一样保护生态环境,像对待生命一样对待生态环境”。
Achieving ecological civilization is atop the agenda of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, as General Secretary Xi Jinping stresses the importance of environmental protection by saying that "we should protect the environment like we protect our eyes and treat the environment like it is our lives".
党的十八大(the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China)已经首次将生态文明建设(the establishment of ecological civilization)写入党章(the CPC Constitution)。十八大以来,习近平在各种场合谈论生态文明已经有60多次。[Full text]
“双引擎”: the"twin engines"
1月9日,2014年度国家科技进步奖评奖揭晓,由国防科技大学计算机学院研制的我国首台千万亿次超级计算机系统——“天河一号”获得特等奖。当今世界,超级计算机被视为高技术的战略制高点,是衡量一个国家综合国力的标志,面对国际超算领域的严峻挑战和我国对高性能计算的迫切需求,国防科大计算机学院瞄准前沿,积极展开千万亿次级超级计算机系统的基础研究与技术攻关,相继突破了一系列核心关键技术,毅然吹响了向千万亿次超级计算机进军的集结号。 【详细】
Updated:2015-03-12 21:24:52
Updated:2015-03-12 21:24:52
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