(4月3日上午,2015年中国(湖南)红色旅游文化节暨中国(桂东)首届养生休闲避暑节、大湘东文化旅游经济带合作联盟成立新闻发布会在长沙召开。The press conference of tourism cooperation of areas of East Hunan was held in Changsha City, on April 3rd, which is the cooperation for the first Summer Festival of China (Hunan) Red Tourism Cultural Festival in China (at Guidong County) of 2015. ) (许又声(右)授予桂东县“2015年中国(湖南)红色旅游文化节”承办地纪念牌。) (省政府副秘书长王光明授予桂东县“大湘东文化旅游经济带合作联盟”首轮执行地纪念牌。Wang Guangming, deputy secretary of Hunan provincial committee of CPC, granted Guidong County the commemorative plaque of “the Association of Cooperation for Cultural Tourism in East Hunan ,2015”. ) (许又声(中)等领导和嘉宾共同启动2015年中国(湖南)红色旅游文化节暨中国(桂东)首届养生休闲避暑节官网、微博、微信平台。 Xu Yousheng and other leaders launch summer festival official website, Twitter, micro-platform for China (Hunan) Red Tourism Cultural Festival in China (at Guidong County) in 2015. ) Original link: 大湘东五市旅游局十四个县(市)签订合作联盟协议
湖南省委常委、省委宣传部部长许又声(前排中)等领导参加新闻发布会。 Xu Yousheng (front row), member of Standing Committee of Hunan CPC and director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee,attended the news conference with other leaders.
(Xu Yousheng (right) presented the commemorative plaque of China (Hunan) Red Tourism Cultural Festival in China of 2015 to Guidong County. )
红网长沙4月3日讯(时刻新闻记者 肖懿 摄影 明健飞) 今天,2015年中国(湖南)红色旅游文化节暨中国(桂东)首届养生休闲避暑节、大湘东文化旅游经济带合作联盟成立新闻发布会在长沙举行,大湘东五市旅游局十四个县(市)人民政府共同签订了湘东文化旅游经济带合作联盟协议。
Rednet ( Changsha): The press conference of tourism cooperation of areas of East Hunan was held in Changsha City, on April 3rd, which is the cooperation for the first Summer Festival of China (Hunan) Red Tourism Cultural Festival in China (at Guidong County) of 2015. The areas of East Hunan including 14 counties (or cities) signed the agreement on the cooperation of cultural tourism.
Fourteen cities signs agreement of tourism cooperation in East Hunan
Updated:2015-04-05 14:50:38
Updated:2015-04-05 14:50:38
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