Knowing All about Hunan

The etching of “Jiangyong Nvshu” won the bronze in “Golden Phoenix” 2015

Editor:李莎宁 实习生 张桂琪
Updated:2015-04-07 16:17:41

(The Nvshu etching rooted in the Chinese word “”.)

(The Nvshu etching of Chinese “海”.)

(The Nvshu etching of Chinese “发”.)

(the Nvshu etching of anise flower.)

    Rednet(Changsha)On April 6, Jiangyong Nvshu of Yongzhou, Hunan, which was the newest  in craft masterpiece, has won the bronze in the Innovative Product Design Competition of “Golden Phoenix” 2015.
    Ouyang Hongyan, Hezhou, Xiao Xiangyuan, the inheritors of the national intangible cultural heritage-“Jiangyong Nvshu”, have brought the series of the etching of “Jiangyong Nvshu”, which has won the bronze in “Golden Phoenix” 2015 for their innovations of theme and crafts.
    Nvshu, as the only script of female founded in the world, which has the unique art evaluation and status in the history of Chinese cultural art, was the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage in China and has been listed in the Guinness World Records.

Original Link:江永女书新工艺版画获2015年“金凤凰”铜奖(图)