Knowing All about Hunan

Carnival of Luxi folk culture and arts shown in May holidays

Updated:2015-05-05 14:49:15

(Carnival of Luxi folk culture and arts)

( Performers received enthusiastic cheers from citizens and local minority girls.)

(Dragon Dance)

(Lift-story Parade)

     红网泸溪站5月4日讯(通讯员 覃仁岗)5月2日,是五一小长假的第二天,一大早泸溪县浦市古镇锣鼓喧天,号角轰鸣。龙灯丶扎故事丶抬黑龙等民间文化艺术表演队穿棱在古镇大街小巷,把整个浦市古镇热闹得天翻地覆。

    Rednet (Luxi County): Streets and avenues of Pushi Town, an ancient town of Luxi County, were filled with people who present Luxi folk culture and traditional customs during the holidays of May 1st. The carnival included Black Dragon Dance, Dragon lantern parade, Lift-story parade and other folk arts demonstration. Everywhere hustle with Laughers and drum beating throughout the ancient town.


      The carnival was organized by Pushi Town community and Senior Association to promote the tourism of Luxi County and to spread the culture heritage of the ancient town during the golden holidays of May. Though many performaners are amateaus, their performance attracted numerous tourists, and they received enthusiastic cheers from citizens and local minority girls.

Original link: 泸溪民间文化艺术表演队大街小巷闹“五一”(图)