Knowing All about Hunan

Du Jiahao meets with delegation of Shanghai entrepreneurs

Updated:2015-05-07 11:27:14

     Rednet (Changsha): on the morning of May 6, Du Jia Hao, Governor and Deputy Secretary of Hunan provincial party Committee of CPC, met with the delegation of Shanghai entrepreneurs lad by Gao yufeng, the Vice President of Housing Facilities Committee of China Housing.

     Delegates include entrepreneurs from Shanghai Urban Construction System, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co. Ltd.,Shanghai Zhongjun Investment Co. Ltd., Shanghai Modern Architecture Design Group, Shanghai Environment Group and other enterprises.

     Du Jiahao expressed his warm welcome of their visit in Hunan, and he thanked Shanghai for the long-term supports to the Hunan’s developments. He said that based on the conditions of Shanghai, the system of Shanghai urban construction has the radiation effects in China which makes positive contributions to China’s reform and developments. Hunan has good industrial bases and rich agricultural resources; in recent years, many traditional industries have steady developed in engineering machinery, Nonferrous Smelting, food processing, and so on. New industries have developed rapidly in rail transportation, aerospace, biomedical, electronics and information industries. Along with the opening of Shanghai-Kunming high-speed rail and national implementation of the strategy of promoting the construction of Yangtze River economic zone, there are closer ties between Hunan and Shanghai with prospects for regional cooperation. He hoped that the delegation will actively seek the cooperative projects in Hunan by fully using the advantages of capital, talents, and technologies of, in order to expand regional cooperation and to achieve common developments.

Original link: 杜家毫会见沪商湘行考察团一行