Knowing All about Hunan

Sea of flowers and happy tourists on Dawei Mountain, Liuyang

Updated:2015-05-11 11:29:49


(映山红盛开的季节,也成了摄影师们抱团出击,用相机猎取大美画面的好时光。 It is the good time for Photographers to shoot beautiful pictures for blossom of Rhododendron simsii Planch in Spring. )

(大围山的杜鹃花海中,处处闪现游人们的身影。 Dawei Mountain has the most prosperous blossom of Rhododendron simsii Planch which is like a sea of flowers, and tourists enjoy the view everywhere there. )

(被映山红簇拥包围的山中游道。 The walking path surrounded by blossoms. )

(高山杜鹃,花姿和颜色都美不胜收。 Bright colors make the unique view. )

( 山中花魂,如此娇艳欲滴。Flowers in the mountain are so beautiful. )

  红网浏阳5月9日讯(记者 明健飞 摄影报道)随着火红五月的来临,湖南浏阳大围山又迎来了今年映山红盛开的季节。漫山遍野之间,各种品种、多种颜色的映山红就像激情燃烧的火焰,在人们的视野里制造出一场热烈而奔放的大美画面,近期山中的游客也因此大增。花丛中,处处展现的摄影师们手中各种镜头形成的“长枪短炮”阵势,更是成为了山中一道独特的风景。

  Rednet (Liuyang): As May comes, Dawei Mountain has the most prosperous blossom of Rhododendron simsii Planch which is like a sea of flowers, and tourists enjoy the view everywhere there. Resemble as flames, the blossoms create a lively and beautiful picture of late Spring, and tourists has increased recently. With long lens , numerous photographers themselves become a unique view of the mountain.

original link: 浏阳大围山:杜鹃花海醉游人(组图)