Knowing All about Hunan

Changsha gamin travels through Eurasian continent on his motorcycle

Updated:2015-05-15 16:25:58

As Changsha gamin Xi Zhenzhong starts his journey, citizens and relatives are actively taking photo with him.

In order to help more people realize their dream, Xi Zhenzhong specially makes a flag to collect more blessing from soccer fans through out the journey.

This motorcycle, carrying 90-kilogram luggage, will keep Xi Zhenzhong company on the journey of more than 30,000 km.

The route of Xi Zhenzhong’s journey.

  红网长沙5月14日讯(时刻新闻记者 杨烊)一辆摩托车,90公斤行李,187天行程,34000公里路途,这是独属于一个人的探险旅程。“我要去诺坎普球场看一场比赛!”怀揣着酝酿了14年的梦想,今日,长沙伢子席振中戴上头盔,正式踏上穿越亚欧大陆的追梦之旅。

  Rednet(Changsha/May 14)  This is a lonely adventure with a motorbike, 90-kilogram luggage, 187-day journey and 34000-kilometer route. “I want to go to a football match in Camp Nou!”It was a dream of Xi Zhenzhong 14 years ago. Today, Xi, from Changsha, started to travel through Eurasian continent on his motorbike for pursuing his dream.

  “If you don’t try to realize your dream, you live like a dead man at an age of 30.” Said Xi Zhenzhong. He chose to make his dream come true the year in life at which a person should be independent. In 2001, when Xi Zhenzhong was 16 years old, he knew FC Barcelona and was attracted. As a crazy soccer fan, he had dreamed  that one day he could go to a football match in Camp Nou for 14 years.


  In order to help more people realize their dream, Xi Zhenzhong specially made a flag to collect more blessing from soccer fans through out the journey.


  “Something means now or never.” Said the signature of Xi Zhenzhong’s microblog. During his journey, Xi will travel more than 20 countries, 50 football clubs among which 3 no-man’s lands. The journey will last 187 days under estimation while the actual time is still unknown. “ See you in Barcelona!” Said Xi Zhenzhong in his wet-chat circle, full of confidence.


Translated by Zhou Qian.

Link:摩托穿越亚欧大陆 长沙伢子只身追梦三万公里(图)