Knowing All about Hunan

Carnival with Fenghuang people on Lunar April 8

Updated:2015-05-22 16:23:24

(去赶“四月八”咯! Go for Lunar “April 8”.)

(盛装打扮好. Dressed up in costumes.)

(姐妹来相邀. Sisters are inviting each other.)

(盛装亮相. Dressed up in costumes.)

(跳花咯! Dancing together.)

  红网凤凰站5月22日讯(分站记者 施雨润苗)看银装素裹的苗族姑娘偏偏走来,听悠扬婉转的苗歌飘过沱江。5月20日,在凤凰县沱江镇杜田村沱江河中心岛上,盛装打扮的表演队伍,用激情的舞蹈为2015年中国·凤凰苗族“四月八”跳花节活动拉开了序幕。
  Rednet(Fenghuang/May 22) On May 20, on central island of Tuojiang river, tuojiang town, fenghuang county, girls of miao ethnic group dressed in costumes danced happily to announce the opening of the 2015 China·Fenghuang miao people’s dancing festival on Lunar April 8.
  At 8:30am, girls from miao ethnic group were dressed up in folk costumes, they attracted a lot of tourists to take photos with them. “Girls of miao ethnic group are so beautiful. I would like to take more photos and share in my wet-chat. My friends will be jealous.” Said a lady from Chongqing with a camera in her hands.
  Lunar April 8 is the traditional dancing festival of miao ethnic group, which is also called  “Yanu festival”. It is listed as the 3rd batch of national intangible cultural heritages. On lunar April 8 every year in fenghuang county, miao people are dressed in costumes, singing and dancing to celebrate the traditional festival. Nowadays, it has became a mutual carnival of miao, tujia, han people of fenghuang county nearby, which is the grandest festival for worshiping ancestors, commemorating heroes and celebrating friendship with profound national spirit and national culture. Young men and women from all ethnic groups are seeking their beloved ones by singing and dancing, so the lunar April 8 is also called “Oriental valentine's day”.


Translated by Zhou Qian.

Link: 农历“四月八”到凤凰与苗家人一起狂欢