(Ambassadors are presenting flowers to statue of Chairman Mao.) (Ambassadors are taking photos in front of statue of Chairman Mao.) Rednet(Changsha/May 14) On June 13, 36 ambassadors from Uganda, Algeria, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo etc. paid a visit to former residence of Chairman Mao, Shaoshan. This activity is cohosted by Department of Commerce and foreign affairs office of Hunan Province. Translated by Zhou Qian. Link: 36个非洲国家驻华使节韶山参观毛主席故居
The delegation was led by Uganda's ambassador Charles Madibo Wagidoso who said that he had long waited to visit Shaoshan. Chairman Mao is great and is beloved by Chinse as well as African. After presenting flowers to statue of Chairman Mao, ambassadors took photos in front of the statue. During their visit, Chinese tourists were waving hands with African ambassadors.
In recent years, Hunan constantly deepen communication and cooperation with African countries in agriculture, mineral exploitation and nonferrous metal smelting, technician training etc.The event is a major move for Hunan to grasp the strategic opportunity of the national “one belt, one road” initiative and the “three nets (high-speed rail, expressway and area route) and infrastructure industrialization” cooperation between China and Africa, to actively improve international cooperation in productivity and equipment manufacturing, and to promote Hunan enterprises’ development in Africa.
36 African Ambassadors Visit Former Residence of Chairman Mao, Shaoshan
Updated:2015-06-15 10:11:30
Updated:2015-06-15 10:11:30
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