Knowing All about Hunan

Final victory: “I am Lieutenant; I have to fight”

Updated:2015-08-25 16:51:09

Original link: 【最后的胜利】抗战老兵黄天: 我是排长 必须在前线

(92岁的抗战老兵黄天参加红网《最后的胜利》报道团出征仪式,下令集合。Huang Tian, a 92-year-old veteran of the Counter-Japanese War, calls Rednet’s reporters on the opening ceremony of serial reports “Final Victory”. )

(黄天接受红网记者采访。An interview of Huang. )

(黄天回忆浴血奋战的战争岁月。Huang Tian recalls his experience in battles during the war. )

(黄天获得的奖牌。Huang’s Medals)

(黄天家里墙壁上,悬挂的他与战友贾本法的合照。Photo of Huang and his comrade )

(红网记者与黄天合影。 Huang and reporters)

     抗战老兵黄天参加了红网《最后的胜利》报道出征仪式并在家中接受了记者采访。92岁的老兵黄天,湖南湘潭 人,曾随中国远征军入缅作战,参加松山攻坚战,参与解救英军,期间他多次负伤,立下不少战功。

     Huang Tian, a 92-year-old veteran of the Counter-Japanese War who called Rednet’s reporters on the opening ceremony of serial reports " Final Victory", accepted the interview at home in Changsha City, Hunan Province. From Xiangtan city of Hunan , the old man who had joined the Chinese Expeditionary in Burma, fought bravely in Songshan battle and achieved glorious victory during the battles with deadly wounds. He recalled his experience of leading the battle to victory by précising crashing of invaders’ defense construction in Songshan battle, while he was wounded and barely survived by saying "I am Lieutenant, I have to be on the front line." Speaking of battles, Huang said that it was hard to imagine how cruel the continuing attacks from Japanese invadors were in Longling battle.

    Final Victory: Name list of Martyr’s Shrine, Yuelu Mountain 


(岳麓山山顶上古炮台遗址立着石碑,无言的记录着当年的长沙战火,静静守望着湘江对岸繁华的城市。The ruins and a monument of the ancient fortress on Yuelu Mountain is a silent witness of fierce battles in Changsha and the downtown Changsha City across Xiangjiang River. )

(护栏上刻着五千多抗战将士的名字。More than 5,000 soldiers’ names carved on the fence near the Martyr’s Shrine )

(从云麓宫的前坪,俯瞰湘江大桥和长沙主城区。The bird view of downtown Changsha City across Xiangjiang River from the ground in front of Martyr’s Shrine on Yuelu Mountain)


Martyr’s Shrine on Yuelu Mountain was built to commemorate the 4th National Army of Republic of China in 1939. Original Yuefei’s Temple, the shrine was rebuilt to a museum for the history of Counter Japanese War of Hunan Province. In October 1938, after the fall of Wuhan and Guangzhou, Hunan province became the battlefield of Counter Japanese war in the main combat zone of China. Chinese army had concentrated the troops of more than 1.4 million of soldiers to the battles including the first, the second and the third battles with Japan invading armies in Changsha, the battle of Western Hunan, the battle of Changde and the battle of Changsha-Hengyang. The total death and wounded of Japan invaders reaches 293,000 which is 10% of the total casualties of Japanese invaders in China.  The War Memorial of the 73th National Army is located on the back of Martyr’s Shrine on Yuelu Mountain.