Knowing All about Hunan

Final victory:Reports bring soil from battlefields

Updated:2015-08-27 17:22:32


 (8月19日下午,红网大型全媒体报道《最后的胜利》报道团成员们从红网出发,手捧着“胜利的子弹”。Reporters are holding " bullets of victory" filled with soil from various battlefields of China in the Counter-Japanese War , August 19 .)

 (八组记者、八个“胜利的子弹”,装满的不仅是浸染过抗战先烈鲜血的热土,更承载着国家的记忆、民族的创痛、不屈的精神以及不能忘却的纪念和责任。Eight groups of journalists bring back eight " bullets of victory", filled with soil from various battlefields of China in the Counter-Japanese War , which symbolizing the memory of war, national spirits of defence and resposibility. )

 (报道团记者将“胜利的子弹”交给湖南省美术雕塑艺术委员会主任肖小裘[右]。A reporter hands the bullets to Xiao Xiaoqiu [right],director of Hunan provincial Commission of fine Art of Sculpture. )

  (由报道团记者采集自全国各个抗战名城的抗战遗址、战场的热土,有着不同的色泽,不同的质地。Soil with different colors collected from the ruins and battlefields of China. )


    Reporters of Rednet returned to Changsha City by bringing back the soils which Chinese soldiers defended with their lives, from over 10 cities of main battlefields in China including Shanxi , Shanghai, Jiangsu, etc. They handed the soil with containers named as " bullets of victory" to to Xiao Xiaoqiu,director of Hunan provincial Commission of fine Art of Sculpture, for creating an symbolic art piece named as " Final Victory" in Tongguan Kiln August 19. The art work will be exhibited in the Counter-Japanese War Museum of Zijiang.