Knowing All about Hunan

“ Internet + Business ”

Updated:2015-09-28 15:29:19


   " Internet + business and service system" will strengthen the fusion between traditional business and internet technology & information.Through WeChat public number , WeChat payments and other tools and means, it will improve the overall capacity of business services in cities of Hunan.


   Mobile Internet changes lives with every aspect

   “这年头,连房子也在网上卖了,小伙伴都惊呆了!” 现在不止在线下交易,在网上交易也是司空见惯,这些都是“互联网+”的表现。在麓谷,聚集了磁石科技、竞网智赢、远大住工、懒猫旅行等数百家与生活相关的移动互联网企业,它们囊括了我们的衣食住行,让我们的生活也移动起来。

   " Even house can be sold on Internet! " The online trading is common; the performances of " Internet Plus " Initiative appear in every aspect of buying basic necessities including clothes,food,housing and transportation, which might realized in the Apps produced by hundreds of Internet enterprises in Lugu where Magnet technology, Broad Homes Industrial International Co., Ltd. ,Lazycat Travel etc.


   "Internet + agriculture” makes a bit of Hunan to world


   "Internet + modern agriculture” has unusual significance to Hunan province, which is an important driving force for the development of Hunan’s agriculture and it is the foundation of realizing the dreams of powerful Hunan and well-off society. The integration of internet and agriculture have already bloomed in Hunan in network branding and selling the specialty products of high quality, with the joint cooperation of enterprises , the supply chain manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials, production, quality control and other offline work. Hunan Zhongnong Media Ltd is responsible for product development, branding, marketing campaigns and other online work for win-win results.