Knowing All about Hunan

Changsha maglev “flower express” to be built in May

Updated:2016-03-31 09:21:44

     磁浮生态绿带走廊建成后将成为养眼的景观带。(效果图)长沙县黄兴会展经济区管委会 供图一期工程将以“宜林则林、宜花则花、应绿尽绿”的原则对磁浮沿线两厢范围内适宜栽植的土地进行复绿,并对原生态自然山体、水塘进行提质和保护,预计建设面积约7140亩。

The picture shows the rendering of future Changsha Maglev "Flower Express" which will be the eye-pleasing landscape. The view seeing area along the high-speed "Flower Express" maglev trains is planed to be built for 7140 acres of tourists' spring outings area.

     长沙晚报3月29日讯(记者 唐朝昭 李锋 通讯员 孙理楠 周全) 高架上,磁浮快轨试运行车辆不时穿过;高架下,一片繁忙的栽树植绿景象……记者昨日从市林业局获悉,长沙磁浮生态绿带走廊(一期)计划于今年5月全面完工。届时,长沙磁浮快轨两厢沿线宽达600米的生态绿带走廊将初现容貌。未来,长沙磁浮生态绿带走廊沿线还将打造多个景观节点以及公园游园,项目规划总面积约为15000亩。

Rednet (Changsha): While Changsha Maglev rail is under their testing running, workers are busy planting trees along the rails. According to the Bureau of forestry, the first phase of construction of Changsha Maglev rails is scheduled for its completion in May this year. By then,  Changsha Maglev rail will have 600-meter-wide ecological green belt. In the future, more landscape gardens and parks will be built along the Changsha Maglev eco-green belt. The project covers a total area of approximately 15000 acres.

Original link:长沙磁浮生态绿带走廊(一期)计划5月完工