Knowing All about Hunan

Jiangyong Womanese and Womanese Successor

Editor:李莎宁 实习编辑 张焕勤
Updated:2016-06-14 15:09:31

Jiangyong Womanese Successor Hu Xin

胡欣写的女书。 受访者供图

Womanese written by Hu Xin (the photo provided by interviewee)

女书传人胡欣。 受访者供图 摄

The womanese successor Hu Xin (the photo provided by interviewee)

胡欣写的女书。 受访者供图 摄

Womanese written by Hu Xin (the photo provided by interviewee)


Womanese, the sole women character discovered in the world so far, originates from Jiangyong County, Hunan Province. Womanese is listed in China intangible cultural protection program.


With continuous efforts of womanese successors and official institutions, Jiangyong womanese has changed the situation of the public unwilling to inherit womanese to that increasing local cadre-mass groups and nonlocal supporters come to Jiangyong County for womanese learning.


At present, Jiangyong County has 7 womanese successors in total, the oldest one aged 78 and Hu Xin born in 1988 as the youngest. Hu Xin began to be a commentator in Womanese Park in 2006.


Hu Xin says, “Womanese cannot be alone without Jiangyong County; that’s my duty to inherit Jiangyong womanese. I will keep my life in Womanese Park.” Now, Jiangyong womanese is trying to be included in international standard character sets and world intangible cultural heritage. Hu Xin also plans to disseminate womanese culture in colleges and universities.

Chinese source:

Original Link: 最年轻女书传人:“复活”闺蜜世界里的古老密语

Gendered Words: The world’s first womanese book in English

从2009年开始动笔写到2015年出版,台湾中央研究院民族所研究员刘斐玟花了6年的时间编写Gendered Words这本英文版女书,这是世界上第一本用英文出版女书文化的书藉。

Until published in 2015, Gendered Words written by Liu Feiwen for six years, a researcher of Institute of Nationality Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, is the world’s first English book about womanese culture.


Womanese, was mainly used to keep up regular correspondence and express feelings among women in earlier Jiangyong County, Yongzhou, Hunan. In 2005, womanese entered Guinness World Records as the world’s most characteristic characters of gender traits; in 2006, womanese custom was listed in China’s first national-level intangible cultural heritage.


“Gendered Words tells stories of 4 different types of Jiangyong women. They interpret womanese culture with their life. ” Liu Feiwen says. She admits that, the most difficulty lies in how to express women’s complicated inner feelings in womanese characters. She hopes that, this book can help more people to know about Jiangyong womanese.

Original Link: 江永女书第一本英文版书藉Gendered Words问世