Knowing All about Hunan

Du: to win the battle of the supply side structural reforms

Updated:2016-06-28 11:24:49

The 18th session of the 11th Hunan CPPCC Standing Committee meeting is held in Changsha, Hunan province, on June 27. 

Du Jiahao, deputy secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and governor of Hunan Province, attends the meeting and makes a speech. 

Li Weiwei,chairman of Hunan provincial CPPCC, hosts the meeting.

Rednet (Changsha): The 18th session of the 11th Hunan CPPCC Standing Committee meeting was held in Changsha, Hunan province, on June 27. Du Jiahao, deputy secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and governor of Hunan Province, attended the meeting and makes a speech. Li Weiwei,chairman of Hunan provincial CPPCC, hosted the meeting.

The Standing Committee reviewed the proposal on "the Promotion of the Supply Side Structural Reforms of Hunan Province" . Cadres gave their speeches on the project, including Wu Jinming, Li Mu, Zhong Zhihui, Rao Yulei, Gan Yuehua, Wang Lili, Wen Lixin, Zhou Jin,etc. The Standing Committee also received instructions on personnel matters.

Du expressed his heartfelt thanks for Hunan provincial CPPCC’s work and efforts for serving the overall situation, enhancing social and consecrating all forces from society. He then introduced the major tusks on promoting the supply side structural reforms in Hunan, preliminary results and future focuses on the work in Hunan province.

Original link: 杜家毫:坚决打赢供给侧结构性改革这场硬仗

  红网长沙6月27日讯(时刻新闻记者 刘玉先 黎鑫 湖南日报记者 冒蕞 周帙恒)今 天,十一届湖南省政协第十八次常委会议在长沙开幕。湖南省委副书记、省长杜家毫出 席会议并讲话,省政协主席李微微主持。

  上午召开的第一次大会上,常委们听取了关于“推进我省供给侧结构性改革”向中 共湖南省委、省人民政府的建议案(草案)的起草说明。吴金明、李沐、钟志慧、饶育 蕾、甘跃华、王力力、文利新、周璟等先后围绕“推进我省供给侧结构性改革”做了大 会发言。常委们还听取了有关人事事项的说明。

  杜家毫对省政协长期以来围绕中心、服务大局,为增进社会共识,凝聚各方力量作 出的努力表示衷心感谢,并介绍了湖南推进供给侧结构性改革所做的主要工作、初步成 效及下一步工作重点。