Knowing All about Hunan

Ode to the Red Flag held to mark CPC 95th birthday in Hunan

Editor:李莎宁 实习编辑 张焕勤
Updated:2016-07-01 14:09:29


On the evening of June 30, Ode to the Red Flag, the mass chorus party is held to mark CPC 95th birthday in Hunan.


Member of the Standing Committee and secretary general of Hunan Provincial Committee Xu Yousheng (5th R) and member of the Standing Committee and director of the propaganda department of Hunan Provincial Committee Zhang Wenxiong (4th R) and other leaders view the party.


Shangri-La in chorus


Ode to Our Motherland in chorus


6 gold awards, 8 silver awards and 12 awards for organization are presented to the group and unit on the site.

Rednet (Changsha): On the evening of June 30, Ode to the Red Flag, the mass chorus party was held to mark CPC 95th birthday in Hunan People’s Hall. The party is hosted by Hunan Department of Culture and Rednet, and undertaken by Hunan Cultural Center.

Since Ode to the Red Flag was launched in March 2016, there have been more than 140,000 participants and 420,000 audiences.

Original Link: 湖南举行“红旗颂”大型合唱晚会 庆祝建党95周年

红网长沙6月30日讯(时刻新闻记者 黎鑫 摄影 李长宏)今晚,湖南省庆祝中国共产党成立95周年“红旗颂”大型群众合唱晚会在湖南省人民会堂举行。本次晚会由湖南省文化厅、红网主办,湖南省文化馆承办。


Ode to the Party

A large-scale mass chorus competition themed with “Ode to the Red Flag” was held at Huaihua Sports Center on the evening of June 20, 2016, in commemoration of the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China & the 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Long March. 1500 performers from 14 teams sang many commonly-heard heroic songs to express their emotions.


Oil Painting Created for CPC’s 95th Anniversary

On the afternoon of June 29, Changsha oil painter Yang Ke finished his creation “A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire” in celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The 1.83 meter-long and 1.41 meter-wide art work portrays the revolutionary scene at Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base in 1928.

Concert Held to Mark CPC 95th Birthday

On June 29, the concert “Ode to the Party” marking the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held at Changsha Concert Hall. Widely known music works in different historical periods were staged to eulogize heroic and lofty deeds and achievements made by Hunan people under the leadership of the CPC for national independence and prosperity.


2016 Xiaoxiang Soul Literary Works Exhibition to mark CPC 95th birthday


2016 Xiaoxiang Soul Literary Works Exhibition is opened in Hunan Exhibition Hall to mark the CPC 95th birthday.

红网长沙6月30日讯(时刻新闻记者 汤红辉 通讯员 谢群 邹文 摄影/全朝晖)为庆祝中国共产党建党95周年,30日,由湖南省文联主办的“庆祝中国共产党成立95周年2016‘潇湘魂’文艺作品展”开幕式在省展览馆举行,此次展览至7月5日结束,免费向市民开放。

Rednet (Changsha): On June 30, 2016 Xiaoxiang Soul Literary Works Exhibition was opened in Hunan Exhibition Hall to mark the CPC 95th birthday. The exhibition is opened to the public for free till July 5.

Original Link: 庆祝建党95周年 “潇湘魂”文艺作品展长沙开幕 

Collections displayed in Changsha to mark CPC 95th birthday


The porcelain pot for the Abolition of "21"


Silver medal for Eighth Route Army combat hero


Constitutions of the Communist Party of China in the 1954 edition

红网长沙6月28日讯(时刻新闻记者 汤红辉 实习生 黄鑫)今日,为纪念中国共产党成立95周年,展示“红色精神”,由湖南省文物交流鉴定中心举办的《光辉历程红色记忆——纪念中国共产党成立95周年收藏展》正在湖南省文物总店展出。展览至8月7日结束,免费向市民开放。

Rednet (Changsha): On June 28, Red Memory of Glorious History: Collections Diplayed for 95th Anniversary of the Founding of CPC held by Hunan Exchange and Evaluation Center of Cultural Relics is carried on in Hunan Main Store of Cultural Relics. The exhibition will be opened to the public for free till August 7.

Original Link: “纪念中国共产党成立95周年收藏展”长沙开展(图)