Knowing All about Hunan

Alibaba's Countryside Taobao contract with Liling

Editor:李莎宁 实习编辑 张焕勤
Updated:2016-07-06 11:18:57


Contract signed between Liling and Alibaba


On-site press conference


Liling E-commerce Industrial Park in a bird’s eye view

Rednet (Zhuzhou): On July 5, Liling E-commerce Industrial Park signed a contract on countryside Taobao project with Alibaba at the press conference. Liling E-commerce Industrial Park will be opened in this late July under the operation and management of Liling Jingtianweidi Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Original Link: 阿里巴巴入驻醴陵电商产业园 将于7月底开园

红网株洲站7月6日讯(分站记者 聂千川) 7月5日,醴陵市人民政府新闻办公室召开醴陵市电商产业园及阿里巴巴农村淘宝项目签约仪式暨新闻发布会,宣布醴陵市电商产业园与阿里巴巴合作,将于今年7月底开园。醴陵电商产业园将由醴陵经天纬地网络科技有限公司负责整体的运营和管理。