Knowing All about Hunan

Romeo and Juliet in Kun Opera version debuted in Chenzhou

Editor:李莎宁 实习编辑 张焕勤
Updated:2016-08-01 16:30:31


Romeo and Juliet in Kun Opera version debuts in Chenzhou by Hunan Kun Opera Troupe 


Romeo and Juliet date in the garden and converse with love feeling.


Different from Shakespeare's original drama, Romeo and Juliet in Kun Opera version ends with a tragedy that Romeo and Juliet die in the end. 


Chief of Hunan Kun Opera Troupe Luo Yan (middle) plays mother of Juliet in the opera.


At the end of debut, audiences line up to take group photos with leading actors or send photographs taken to WeChat’s moments to celebrate the debut’s success.


Rednet (Chenzhou): On the evening of July 30, the debut of Romeo and Juliet in Kun Opera version got a success in Chenzhou. In the early August, the opera will be performed in Edinburger Festival Fringe in the UK for three times.

Luo Yan says that, in order to memorize the 400thanniversary of the death of Chinese well-known dramatist Tang Xianzu and famous British dramatist Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is chosen to be played in the form of Chinese Kun opera.

红网郴州7月31日讯(时刻新闻记者 汤红辉 通讯员 蒋莉 实习生 刘梦婷)30日晚,湖南省昆剧团的昆曲版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》在郴州成功首演。8月上旬,该剧将前往英国参加爱丁堡边缘艺术节,在英国演出3场。
