Knowing All about Hunan

Xu: to make Shaoyang opening up with surpassing tendency

Updated:2016-08-04 17:06:59

Xu Shousheng, Secretary of Hunan Provincial CPC Committee and director of Hunan Provincial Standing Committee of People’s Congress, talks with a clinic doctor in Siqing Village of Wantouqiao County.

Xu visits a low-income family of below average income in Yifu village of Wantouqiao County, and he checks out a "responsibility card" recording the family with a special cadre's help.

Xu inspects a shoe production line in Stella International Holdings Limited in Shaoyang industrial park.

Rednet (Shaoyang): From August 2nd to August 3rd, Xu Shousheng, Secretary of Hunan Provincial CPC Committee and director of Hunan Provincial Standing Committee of People’s Congress, inspected companies, industrial parks, rural areas in Shaoyang City and Wugang City. This is Xu's 7th thematic inspection this year for the new pattern of regional development on "one core, three-poles and four-points". He stressed that Hunan should study and implement President Xi Jinping's important speech of July 1st with active works focusing on the national strategies, the acceleration of constructing Shanghai-Kunming economic belt along the high-speed rail and supply-side structural reform, in order to win the battle of poverty alleviation and to make Shaoyang a demonstration area with opening up developments and a surpassing tendency.

Original link: 徐守盛邵阳调研:努力打造成开放开发、后发赶超的示范区

  红网邵阳8月3日讯(时刻新闻记者 廖洁)8月2日至3日,湖南省委书记、省人大常委会主任徐守盛来到邵阳市城区和武冈市,深入企业、园区、农村考察。这是徐守盛今年以来第7次围绕“一核三极四带多点”区域发展新格局开展专题调研。他强调,当前要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话特别是“七一”重要讲话精神,主动对接融入国家战略,加快建设沪昆高铁经济带,加快推进供给侧结构性改革,全力以赴打赢脱贫攻坚战,努力将邵阳打造成为开放开发、后发赶超的示范区。