Knowing All about Hunan

Laosicheng presents cultural feast in Enshi

Updated:2016-08-23 09:51:34

On August 20th, an activity named as "A bite of Laosicheng: the World Cultural Heritage" of Yongshun County was held in Enshi County of Hubei Province. It brought a Tujia cultural feast to the same minority groups in “Tujia Girls Town",Enshi county.

Translator: Huang Yingyi
Original link:永顺老司城给湖北恩施送上土家文化盛宴

    红网永顺8月22日讯(通讯员 刘文化 向婷)8月20日,湖南永顺“老司城——世界文化遗产邀您来品读”活动走进湖北恩施“女儿城”,给同是土家族聚居地的恩施人民带来了一场别具特色的土家文化盛宴。