Knowing All about Hunan

From Hunan to Montargis: Gambrtta Secondary School

Updated:2016-08-24 14:44:28

蒙达尔纪市长秘书Stéphane Poisson陪同红网采访团走访了蒙达尔纪男子公学旧址,这里曾是蔡和森、陈毅等人求学的地方,目前该地已经成为蒙达尔纪市政府大楼。

  By the company of Stéphane Poisson,the secretary for Mayor of Montargis,Rednet report team visits the former site of the Gambrtta Secondary School where Cai Hesen, Chen Yi and other students had studied in, and it is now the City Hall of Montargis, August 22, Montargis, France.


  This is a precious photo of Chinese students in the study-work program inFrance takenin the Gambrtta Secondary School.


  The third floor of the City Hall of Montargis was the dorm of formerGambrtta Secondary School.


  At present,a commemorative plaque is placed at the entrance of thebuilding, with engraving of "An Page of History" for the history of revolutionary pioneers in France, which is one of eleven commemorative plaquesin Montargis.

  红网法国8月23日讯(时刻新闻记者 陈美淇 摄影 秦楼)法国当地时间22日下午,蒙达尔纪市长秘书StéphanePoisson陪同红网记者走访了蒙达尔纪男子公学旧址,这里曾是蔡和森、陈毅等人求学的地方,目前该地已经成为蒙达尔纪市政府大楼。

  Rednet (France): By the company of Stéphane Poisson,the secretary for Mayor

of Montargis,Rednet report team visited the former site of the Gambrtta Secondary School where Cai Hesen, Chen Yi and other students had studied in, and it is now the City Hall of Montargis, August 22, Montargis, France.

 Stéphane Posison先生表示,1913年-1925年间,几百名中国青年学生在沙博校长负责下在这里住宿和上课,接受法国教育,蔡和森和陈毅都曾在这里学习。

  Stéphane Posison said that hundreds of Chinese students including Cai Hesen and Chen Yi had studied and lived here for France education, during 1913 to 1925 .


  Now, the place became the City Hall of Montargis for meetings and the important events. Stéphane Posison said it is the important place that manyChinese tourists have kept visiting.


  The stories and history of Cai Hesen and Chen Yi have been recorded even the place was changed. At present,a commemorative plaque is placed at the entrance of the building, with engraving of "An Page of History" for the history of revolutionary pioneers in France, which is one of eleven commemorative plaques in Montargis.
