Knowing All about Hunan

12 Hunan Dramas performed in Beijing during July 26-September 20

Updated:2016-08-24 16:13:19


"Performances of Hunan Dramas in Beijing" opened


Member of the Standing Committee of Hunan Provincial People’s Congress and Director of Hunan Propaganda Department Zhang Wenxiong delivers the speech and announces the launch of“Hunan Operas Performed in Beijing”.


Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director-general of Hunan Department of Culture Li Hui presides over the opening ceremony.  


The full-length dance dramaPeach Blossom Spring

红网北京8月8日讯(时刻新闻记者 汤红辉 胡芳 通讯员 曾秋甫)今晚,由湖南省委宣传部、湖南省文化厅主办的“湘戏晋京”展演活动在国家大剧院拉开帷幕。大型舞剧《桃花源记》在国家大剧院演出。

Rednet (Beijing): On the evening of August 8, Hunan Operas Performed in Beijing hosted by Hunan Propaganda Department and Hunan Department of Culture raised the curtain in China’s National Center forthe Performing Arts.The full-length dance dramaPeach Blossom Springwas performed in National Center for the Performing Arts.


Hunan Operas Performed in Beijing is last from July 26 to September 20, 2016 in Beijing. There are 12 Hunan operas to be performed in Beijing’s theatres.


01 剧《桃花源记》:完美演绎世人梦中“桃花源”

Dance drama Peach Blossom Spring: ideal Peach Garden


As the first Hunan drama performed in Beijing, the dance drama Peach Blossom Spring gets a great success.


The dance drama performed by Hunan Song and Dance Theater not only shows beautiful sceneray of western Hunan, but also interpretes good wishes for life and even the Chinese dream of ordinary people.

02 湘剧《烧车御史》:刮起廉政清风

Hunan opera Royal Censor Xie Zhending: Public Integrity


Royal censor Xie Zhending in Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty is from Taolin village, Jinshi Town, Lianyuan County, Loudi City, Hunan Province.


The opera takes the historical story of Lianyuan royal censor Xie Zhending burning He Shen’s official carriage in Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty as a prototype. It depicts Xie Zhending, an image of upright and disinterested official.


03 音乐剧《天使合唱团》:湖南音乐剧的突破

Music drama Angel Chorus: breakthrough of Hunan music drama


Angel Chorus, a music drama concerning about growth of teenagersm, is jointly produced by Zhuzhou Drama Inheritance Center and Private Drama Group. Angel Chorus tells the story of problem teenagers changed by music in chorus. On the 5th Hunan Art Festival, Angel Chorus is awarded Tian Han Prize.


04 花鼓戏《我叫马翠花》:用喜剧风格表现传统美德

Hunan Huagu drama My Name is Ma Cuihua: traditional virtues


My Name is Ma Cuihua created and performed by Hunan Huagu Drama Protection and Inheritance Center reveals social positivity and the Chinese dream of ordinary people that lives up to modern socialist core values.


Hunan Huagu drama is humorous, sprightly, mass-based and suitable for manifestation of modern themes. This drama is also innovative in music. Music in this drama is more free in rhythm that integrates rhythm elements of traditional and modern dance music. Besides Erhu, gong and drum, this drama applies western instruments such as string music, wooden pipe, violin, cello, bass, flute, clarinet, oboe, etc.


05 汉剧《孟姜女传奇》:用汉剧高腔唱响“湘妹子”

Legend of Meng Jiangnv: high-pitched tune of Han opera


Legend of Meng Jiangnv, elaborately prepared by Changde Han Opera Gaoqiang Protection Center, is a large stage show featuring strong characteristics of northern Hunan and highly integrating national intangible cultural heritage items such as Changde Gaoqiaing (high tune) and Legend of Meng Jiangnv in Jiashan Mountain, Jinshi, Changde.


This opera is more fashionable in music, more flexible in stage design, more authentic in costume and make-up, more emotional in performance and more rhythmed in structure.


06 京剧《辛追》:湘魂京韵写佳人

Beijing opera Xin Zhui: Hunan women


The opera takes Xin Zhui’s all life as the key to tell her love and hatred with two men, Li Cang and Yue.


The opera Xin Zhui molds the image of Xin Zhui, a bright and capable, strong and brave Human woman. A large number of Hunan cultural elements are added to dance, music and language performance on the stage. The opera mixes Kun opera and Peking opera sing, as well as local music elements of Hunan opera and Huagu opera, etc.  


07 花鼓戏《齐白石》:展现“齐木匠”风雨人生

Huagu drama Qi Baishi: all life of Qi Baishi


The modern Huagu drama Qi Baishi interprets the life of Qi Baishi for nearly 100 years by Xiangtan Art Theater. In order to present Qi Baishi’s simplicity, the drama pursues concise style in the stage artistic design.


The Huagu drama Qi Baishi has no obvious screening structure but choose the most representative episodes of Qi Baishi’s life to display his charming personality such as simplicity, persistence in art.


08 舞剧《凤凰》:展示神秘湘西的音舞艺术

National dance drama Feng Huang:dance music art in western Hunan


The national dance drama Feng Huang performed by Hunan Ethnic Song and Dance Troupe interprets a fairy love story of Miao nationality in western Hunan.


In dance design, this drama integrates essenses of Miao folk dance and modern dance, including Greeting Dragon Dance, Drum Dance, Liujing Dance, Hand Knack Dance, etc.


In music arrangement, this drama integrates Miao original ecology music and symphony, including Miao sacred tunes, Miao work songs, Miao Suona, Miao bagu tune, Miao songs in high-pitched tunes, Miao songs in Shuiqiang tunes, Badai Jiqiang, etc.  


In costume design, this drama includes silver ornament, embroidery, printing and dyeing of Miao costume, and improves Miao costume in makings and design patterns.


In artistic stage design, this drama designs the layout in traditional Chinese freehand style.


09 巴陵戏《远在江湖》:忧国忧民的精彩演绎

Baling Demoted Offical Teng Zijing:worry before the people and enjoy after the people


Demoted Official Teng Zijing, a Baling drama in new historial play, shows the legend of demoted official Teng Zijing who practices the main idea of“worry before the people and enjoy after the people”stated in Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan.


With nearly 400-year history, Baling drama (the local Yueyang drama) is known as living fossil of Chinese opera and listed into the first batch of national-level intangible cultural heritages.


10 湘剧《月亮粑粑》:演绎乡村女教师无私大爱

Hunan opera Moon Baba: selfless love of rural women teacher


Hunan opera high-pitched tune Moon Baba performed by Hunan Opera Theater embodies modern Hunan opera’s feathers such as keeping up with the times, close to life and detailed presentation.


Moon Baba is originally a nursery rhyme developed in the agricultural civilization period, which reflects Chinese ordinary people’s simple cultural dream for centuries that cultivating their descendants to be talented people.


11 湘剧《田老大》:湖南人演湖南人的故事

Tian Han: Hunan celebrity interpreted by Hunan people


The Hunan opera Tian Han tells the story of Hunan celebrity Tian Han by Hunan actors.The opera focuses on Hunan regional culture and highlights Hunan spirit and affection through depiction of Tian Han’s affection on Hunan actors and Hunan drama. 


12 湘剧《赵子龙计取桂阳》:再现“湖南”赵子龙

Hunan opera Zhao Zilong Outwits Guiyang: Hunan-style Zhao Zilong


Hunan opera Zhao Zilong Outwits Guiyang performed by Hunan Guiyang Opera Protection and Inheritance Center vividly tells the story of Zhao Zilong outwitting Guiyang.


The opera is compiled according to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The History of the Three Kingdoms: Zhao Yun, and Zhao Zilong’s folk tales in Guiyang.


The opera is bold in innovative music arrangement that music is Tanqiang tune based, high-pitched tune supplemented, melodies for Kunqu opera decorated, and integrates local minors, musical elements of the minority and modern society.