Knowing All about Hunan

Du: strengthening Party discipline for political ecosystem

Updated:2016-09-30 14:49:56

Rednet (Changsha): On the morning of September 29, the center group of Hunan provincial CPC Committee held a meeting for studying the thoughts of Xi Jinping's for XI Jinping on strengthening Party discipline for the construction of clean and honest Governments and against corruption. Du Jiahao, Secretary of Hunan Provincial CPC Committee hosted the meeting for effective enhancing "Four consciousness", consciously  keeping height consistent with the central committee of CPC by the leadership of President Xi, by always putting political disciplines and political rules as the priority, with all efforts of creating good political ecosystem of Hunan Province.  

Original link: 杜家毫:推进全面从严治党努力营造政治生态上的绿水青山

  湖南日报9月29日讯(记者 贺佳)今天上午,省委中心组围绕习近平总书记关于加强党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争重要论述这一主题进行集体学习。省委书记杜家毫在主持学习时强调,要切实增强“四个意识”,自觉在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为总书记的党中央保持高度一致,从党中央查处的一系列重大案件中汲取深刻教训,始终把党的政治纪律和政治规矩挺在前面,持续用力、久久为功推进全面从严治党,努力在全省营造政治生态上的绿水青山。省委副书记、代省长许达哲,省政协主席李微微参加学习。