Knowing All about Hunan

11th China Golden Eagle TV Festival concluded

Updated:2016-10-18 10:30:00

  红网长沙10月16日讯(时刻新闻记者 沈梦艳 朱青)今天晚上,第十一届中国金鹰电视艺术节颁奖晚会暨闭幕式在湖南国际会展中心举行。省委书记杜家毫,中国文联党组书记、副主席赵实,省委副书记、代省长许达哲,省政协主席李微微出席并为获奖者颁奖。

  Rednet (Changsha): On the evening of October 16, the award party and closing ceremony of 11th China Golden Eagle TV Festival was held in Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center. Secretary Du Jiahao, Secretary and Vice-chairman of the CFLAC CPC Group Zhao Shi, Vice-secretary and Acting Governor Xu Dazhe, and CPPCC Chairman Li Weiwei attended the ceremony and awarded for winners.


  During October 14-16, the 28th China Golden Eagle Award & the 11th Golden Eagle TV Art Festival is held in Changsha, Hunan.


  On October 16, the award party and closing ceremony of 11th China Golden Eagle TV Festival was held in Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center.


  11th China Golden Eagle TV Festival: name list of winners


  Favorite Actress: Tong Liya (L) & Zhao Liying (R)



  Favorite Actor: Wang Lei (L) & Hu Ge (R)



  Best Director: Zheng Xiaolong(R)



  Best Scriptwriter: Wen Haojie



  Best Performing Artist: Li Xuejian



  Best Popular Actor and Actress: Hu Ge (L) & Liu Tao (R)



  Best TV Play: Ten Farewell to Red Army, Ma Xiangyang to the Countryside, Deng Xiaoping in Historical Turn, Revolutionary Lifetime of Wang Dahua, All Quiet in Beijing, The Ordinary World, The Legend of Miyue, Land Force One, Break Enemy Position, Tornado Girl, and Hey Daddy.