Knowing All about Hunan

2nd Changsha Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition 2016 opens

Updated:2016-12-11 16:45:13


Rednet (Changsha): On December 10, the Second Changsha Chinese Ink Painting Invitational Exhibition 2016 kicked off in Paper Painting Art Pavilion on the third floor of Huayuan Huicheng, Changsha. There are more than 70 works of 32 prominent artists in Chinese ink painting at the exhibition. The exhibition will be opend to the public for free till December 14.

  Original link: 第二届水墨邀请展开展 全国水墨艺术大家作品云集长沙

  红网长沙12月11日讯(通讯员 彭艳 时刻新闻记者 汤红辉)12月10日,“界线-长沙2016第二届水墨邀请展”在长沙华远汇城三楼纸本艺术馆开幕。本次展览共展出32位艺术家精品力作70余幅,为当代中国水墨领域卓有建树的著名艺术家作品。展览至12月14日结束,免费向公众开放。