Knowing All about Hunan

Acoustic barrier for 13 bridges within No. 2 Ring of Changsha completed

Updated:2017-01-03 16:04:36


  On January 2, constructors are installing acoustic barriers on the overpass bridge at Dujuan Road, West No. 2 Ring, Changsha. (Photo/Wang Zhiwei, Changsha Evening Paper)

1月2日,长沙市西二环线桐梓坡跨线桥,机动车从新安装的隔音屏旁经过。记者 田超 摄

  On January 2 on the overpass bridge at Tongzipo Road, West No. 2 Ring, Changsha, a motor vehicle is passing by the newly-installed acoustic barrier. (Photo/Tian Chao)


  According to integrated Rednet news, up to January 2, the acoustic barrier project (11,220 meters long) for 13 bridges within No. 2 Ring of Changsha have been basically completed, which will provide a more peaceful living environment for residents along No. 2 ring of Changsha.

  Original link: 长沙市二环线13座桥梁隔音屏安装完成

                 长沙二环线13座桥梁装上新型隔音屏 全长11220米