Knowing All about Hunan

Intercity Railway Propels City Group Economic Integration

Updated:2017-01-03 16:06:44


  Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Intercity Railway, the core project of Hunan “3+5”intercity railway network and the first project under construction in Hunan, was put into operation on December 26, 2016, which is the intercity railway among Changsha City, Zhuzhou City and Xiangtan City.


  Secretary Du & Governor Xu test ride on a Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan intercity train


  On the morning of December 20, the group headed by Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee Du Jiahao and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Governor of Hunan Province Xu Dazhe had a test ride on the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Intercity Train, including Hunan provincial leaders Chen Xiangqun, Yi Lianhong, Sheng Ronghua, and Zhang Jianfei. Du stressed that development of transportation is prime to accelerate the Economic Integrationof the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan economic city group.

外观大气的长沙站。 Changsha Station of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan intercity railway


  Transit system of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan has formed the integrated transportation hub of high-speed intercity railway, mass transit, high-speed rail, subway,national highway and other means of transportation, in the future citizens can enjoy seamlessly integrated travel services.


长株潭城际开通后,将有5组CRH6F型动车组投入运营,定员载客量达1470人。Five CRH6F Multiple Units of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan intercity Railway puts into operation, which have the passenger-carrying capacity of 1470 persons.


  The train runs so smoothly that the water in a cup does not spill and a pen can keep standing within several minutes.

  这列车于9时准点启动,缓缓驶出长沙站站台。没多久,城铁速度就提速到时速一百多公里,人的感觉很平稳舒适。几分钟后便进入地下隧道。搭乘城铁没有感觉到耳鸣不适感。速度最高到了时速160公里,噪音也不大。 9点06分,城铁便达香樟路站,2分钟后再次启动。一杯装满水的一次性杯子,放置在车厢地板上,车辆速度行驶到160公里每小时时,一滴水也未洒出。签字笔竖立在地板上,几分钟之内也基本能保持不倒。

  The train starts at 9 am on time, by slowly pulling out of the Changsha Railway Station. Before long, Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Intercity Railway accelerates to more than 100 kilometers per hour. The smooth running makes people feel very comfortable. A few minutes later, it enters an underground tunnel, without creating any discomfort of tinnitus. The maximum speed get to 160 kilometers per hour with rare noise. At 9:06 am, the train arrived at Xiangzhanglu Station; after 2 minutes, it starts up again. When the vehicle ran at 160 kilometers per hour, a cup filled with water was placed on the floor of the train, it didn't spill a drop; and a pen can keep standing still on a floor within several minutes.


城铁动车组有201.4米长,每节车厢25米左右,车厢内空间约2米高,3.3米宽,过道约1米宽。 CRH6F型动车组每节车厢都设有3对1.3米的双开塞拉门,即使在列车满员的状态下,旅客也能快捷地上下车。

  The length of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan intercity railway is 201.4 meters. Each carriage is about 25 meters long, 2 meters high, 3.3 meters wide, with a 1-meter-wide aisle. Each carriage has 3 pairs of door of 1.3 meters wide, so that passengers can quickly get off the train even the carriage is full in rush hours.


  Each carriage of the train has four seats in each row, with two on each side of the aisle. Beneath the seats are charging sockets of 220 volts.The first and eighth carriage has 54 seats, every two carriages have a toilet.Resemble as bus, one does not need to take his seat according to the number on the ticket.


  The total lengthen of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Intercity Rail (including the West extension line) is 104.36 km, with 24 stops. Seventeen stations in the south of Changsha Railway Station are open to public operation firstly.Four stations in the west of Changsha Railway Station of are under construction, which will operate in the next year.

  长株潭城铁将采取公交化运营,全程不对号入座。购票方式和高铁一样,有网络、窗口等多种渠道。定员载客量达1470人,全车设510个座位。购票时没有座票站票之分,全程不对号入座。 行车时间短,不提供餐饮服务,全程禁止吸烟。

  The capacity of the intercity rail reaches 1470 persons with 510 seats. Resemble as bus service, one don’t need to take his seat according to the number on the ticket. The tickets may be purchased at stops and one-line service like high-speed rail service.





  Stations in Changsha City:

  Xiangjiangxi, Lugu, Jianshan, Gushan, Bafangshan, Guanshaling, Kaifusi, Changsha Railway Station, Shumuling, Xiangzhang Road, Xiangfu Road, Dongjing, Xianfeng, Furongnan and Muyun.



  Stations in Zhuzhou City:

  Jiulangshan, Tianxindong, Yunlong, Zhuzhou Railway Station and Zhuzhounan Railway Station.



  Stations in Xiangtan City:

  Zhaoshan, Hetang, Bantang and Xiangtan Railway Station.