Knowing All about Hunan

2017 rooster stamp firstly released throughout Hunan

Updated:2017-01-05 16:20:50



  Changsha citizens are lining up to buy special stamps.


  Rednet (Changsha): On January 5, the first rooster stamps in 2017, namely Ding-You Year special stamps (two stamps for one set) are officially released in 14 cities and prefectures in Hunan province. Meanwhile, there are 118 outlets selling the special stamps in Hunan.

  Original link: 《丁酉年》生肖邮票湖南发行 全省118个网点同步发售

  红网长沙1月5日讯(时刻新闻记者 刘怡斌 摄影 刘园园)2017年首枚邮票——《丁酉年》特种邮票于1月5日在湖南全省14个市州正式发行,一套两枚。全省118个网点同步发售生肖鸡邮票。