Knowing All about Hunan

Xu: to propel structural reform of supply front for agriculture

Updated:2017-02-20 10:36:05

  红网长沙2月19日讯(时刻新闻记者 廖洁 刘玉先 摄影 李长宏)今天,湖南省委农村工作会议在长沙召开。省委副书记、省长许达哲强调,要全面学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神特别是关于“三农”工作的重要论述,认真分析、准确把握湖南“三农”工作面临的新形势和新任务、新机遇和新挑战,加快推进农业供给侧结构性改革等重点工作,努力开创湖南农业现代化建设新局面。

  Rednet (Changsha): On February 19, Hunan Provincial rural work meeting was held in Changsha in Hunan province. Deputy Secretary of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Hunan Province Xu Dazhe emphasized that every level of Hunan government should comprehensively study and carry out the spirit of President Xi's series of important speeches, especially on the important work of agriculture. All cadres should careful analyze and accurately grasp Hunan's new situations, new tasks, new opportunities and new challenges, to accelerate structural reform of the supply front for agriculture, in order to create a new situation of agricultural modernization in Hunan province.


  Wu Lan, Deputy Secretary of Hunan Provincial Party Committee, hosted the meeting and made a speech. Vice Governor Dai Daojin made the key report. Other leaders attended the meeting including Chen Junwen, Yang Guangrong and Lai Mingyong.


  In 2016, Hunan completed 357.84 billion yuan of added value on farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery; the increasing rate is 3.3%.Rural residents ' disposable income of per capitareached 11,930 Yuan, ; the increasing rate is 8.5%. Xu Dazhe fully affirmed the achievements of Hunan's agricultural work .

  许达哲强调,要以推进农业供给侧结构性改革为抓手,加快培育农业农村发展新动能。 各级各部门必须坚持分工负责、协同配合、形成合力,切实抓好促进农民增收、农村安全饮水、加强环境治理、保障公共服务等“三农”重点工作。

  He stressed that structural reform of the supply front for agriculture is the key to speed up agricultural and rural developments. Every departments at all levels must adhere to the division of responsibility, coordination, to form a joint force for effectively increasing the farmers ' income and water supply safety, environmental management and public services.

  Original link :许达哲:加快推进农业供给侧结构性改革