湖南日报2月24日讯(记者 贺佳 周帙恒)今天上午,省文明委第二十四次全体会议在长沙召开,传达学习中央文明委第五次全体会议和全国文明办主任会议精神,总结去年、部署今年全省精神文明建设工作。省委书记、省人大常委会主任、省文明委主任杜家毫强调,要把精神文明建设的思想思路和工作要求统一到习近平总书记的重要论述上来,牢牢把握贯穿其中的思维方法和工作方法,突出坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦这个主题,突出迎接、宣传、贯彻党的十九大这条主线,突出稳中求进工作总基调,精准发力、持续用力推进社会主义核心价值观建设。
According to Hunan Daily news, on February 24, the 24thplenary session of Hunan Steering Committee for the Building of Spiritual Civilization was convened in Changsha to convey spirits of the 5thplenary session and the meeting of directors of the Central Steering Committee for the Building of Spiritual Civilization, concluded and deploy spiritual civilization building work of Hunan province. Du Jiahao, Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincal Committee, Director of the Standing Committee of Hunan People's Congressand Director of Hunan Steering Committee for the Building of Spiritual Civilization, emphasized that, under the guiding thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Hunan province shall advance the building of socialist core values in a stable, precise and sustained way.
Deputy Secreatry of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee Wu Lan presided over the meeting; other Hunan provincial leaders Cai Zhenhong and Xiang Lili also attened the meeting.
At the meeting, member units of Hunan Steering Committee for the Building of Spiritual Civilization made oral or written reports respectively. 2017 Work Arrangement of Hunan Steering Committee for the Building of Spiritual Civilization, and The List of 2016 Hunan Civilized Cities, Villages and Towns, Industries, Units, Model Units and Families were passed.
Original link: 杜家毫:推进社会主义核心价值观建设
Du Jiahao: Advance the Building of Socialist Core Values
Updated:2017-02-26 10:47:49
Updated:2017-02-26 10:47:49
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