Knowing All about Hunan

Hunan Delegation holds first plenary meeting

Updated:2017-03-04 17:56:46


  Hunan Delegation holds the first plenary for the 12th session of National People's Congress, on March 3,Beijing.


  Du Jiahao, Secretary of CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Director of Hunan Provincial People's Congress, hosts the meeting and makes a speech.

  红网北京3月3日讯(时刻新闻记者 廖洁 刘玉先 湖南日报记者 刘文韬 贺佳)今天下午,出席十二届全国人大五次会议的湖南代表团在驻地举行第一次全体会议,湖南省委书记、省人大常委会主任杜家毫主持会议并讲话。

  Rednet (Beijing):Hunan Delegation held the first plenary for the 12th session of National People's Congress, on March 3,Beijing.Du Jiahao, Secretary of CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Director of Hunan Provincial People's Congress, hosted the meeting and made a speech.


  Du was elected as head of the Hunan delegation, and Xu Dazhe, Wu Lan, Han Yongwen and Xie Yong as Deputy head. Other delegates also attended the meeting including Hu Henghua, Li Jiang, Zhang Jianfei, Lai Mingyong, Kang Weimin, Huang boyun, Yu laishan, Zhao Yongping et al.


  In the meeting, delegates reviewed the documents on the list of the Congress Presidium and the list of Secretary General of the Conference (draft),agenda of the conference(draft), and the two proposals submitted by Hunan delegation to the 12th NPC.

  Original link: 湖南代表团举行第一次全体会议 杜家毫主持并讲话