Knowing All about Hunan

Sand painting: to weaken anti-corruption is nonsense

Updated:2017-03-07 10:20:30

国务院监察部部长杨晓渡在“部长通道”接受媒体采访(沙画在新闻照片基础上对人物所处环境背景进行了艺术创作,真实场景见下图)。 Yang Xiaodu, the Minister of Supervision of the State Council, answers the questions from media.

3月5日,第十二届全国人民代表大会第五次会议在北京人民大会堂开幕。这是监察部部长杨晓渡接受采访。 新华社记者 赵颖全 摄The 12th Session of the Fifth National People's Congress is held in Beijing, on March 5 . This is the photo that Yang Xiaodu, the Minister of Supervision of the State Council, accepts interviews.

  红网北京3月6日讯(时刻新闻记者 陈美淇 沙画创作 何素丹)3月5日上午,十二届全国人大五次会议开幕前和结束后,包括工信部部长、国台办主任、国家发改委主任、国家工商总局局长、交通部长、农业部长、国务院扶贫办主任、国家外汇局局长等11位领导走上“部长通道”,就公众所关心的社会热点问题回答了媒体提问。“部长通道”上出现了不少“干货”和“猛料”,“金句”不断,引起热议。

  Rednet (Beijing):  After the 12th Session of the Fifth National People's Congress is held in Beijing, on March 5, eleven ministers and directors answered the questions submitted by media for the focused issues, concerning the work of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Taiwan Affairs Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, State Administration of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agriculture, Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, State Administration of foreign exchange, etc. Their answers drew great attention from the public.

  Original link: [沙画两会]之二:反腐力度减弱?无稽之谈!