Knowing All about Hunan

Hunan delegation holds the seventh plenary

Updated:2017-03-13 15:23:13

湖南代表团举行第七次全体会议。 Hunan delegation holds the seventh plenary meeting during the national two sessions.

  红网北京3月12日讯(时刻新闻记者 刘玉先 廖洁 湖南日报记者 刘文韬 贺佳 唐婷)今天下午,湖南代表团在驻地举行第七次全体会议,审议民法总则草案修改稿,关于第十三届全国人大代表名额和选举问题的决定草案修改稿、香港特别行政区选举第十三届全国人大代表的办法草案修改稿、澳门特别行政区选举第十三届全国人大代表的办法草案修改稿,最高人民法院工作报告,最高人民检察院工作报告。最高人民法院院长周强参加审议并听取意见。

  Rednet (Beijing):Hunan delegation held the seventh plenary meeting during the national two sessions, on March 12, for reviewing the draft of the revised version of the civil law, the election issues of the 13th session of national NPC delegations, the election issues of 13th session of national NPC delegations from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and the election issues of 13th session of national NPC delegations from Macao Special Administrative Region, the work report of Supreme People's Court, and the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Zhou Qiang, the president of Supreme People's Court, participated the meeting.

Original link: 湖南代表团举行第七次全体会议 审议“两高”工作报告