Knowing All about Hunan

Du Jiahao: Support National Defense and Military Reform to Prosper Hunan

Updated:2017-03-21 10:36:33

  湖南日报3月20日讯(记者 贺佳 周帙恒)今天上午,省军区党委十三届十三次全体(扩大)会议在长沙召开。省委书记、省人大常委会主任、省军区党委第一书记杜家毫强调,要深入学习贯彻习主席系列重要讲话精神,认真贯彻落实军委改革工作会议和扩大会议精神,不断提高支持国防和军队改革的政治站位、大局观念和行动自觉,把推动军民融合深度发展与实施创新引领开放崛起战略更好地结合起来,实现兴武与兴湘相得益彰。

  According to Hunan Daily news, on the morning of March 20, the 13th plenary enlarged session of the 13th CPC Committee of Hunan Provincial Military Command was convened in Changsha. Du Jiahao, Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, Director of Hunan Provincial NPC Standing Committee and the First Secretary of the CPC Committee of Hunan Provincial Military Command, emphasized to study and implement the spirit of Chairman Xi’s important speeches, and to carefully perform the spirit of the Military Commission’s reform work conference and enlarged session. Hunan province shall constantly enhance the political stance, ideas of overall situation and voluntary initiatives to support national defense and military reform, well combine the indepth development of civil-military integration and the implementation of innovative uprising strategies to achieve both military and Hunan prosperity.

  Original link: 杜家毫:全力支持国防和军队改革 实现兴武与兴湘相得益彰