Knowing All about Hunan

China South Publishing & Media Group fosters South Sudan Education

Updated:2017-03-22 15:11:50


  Hunan Education Press undertakes the development of primary math textbooks for South Sudan, while education experts from South Sudan are responsible for review, acceptance and inspection on textbooks.


  The primary English textbooks undertaken by Hunan Juvenile and Children's Publishing House have passed acceptance check.


  The outline of primary Scientific English textbooks compiled by Hunan Science and Technology Press and Teewon Digital Media Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. have passed acceptance check.

  红网长沙3月22日讯(时刻新闻记者 杨艳)这两天,中南传媒旗下的三大出版社都在忙着对接南苏丹教育系统的官员与学者,大家就南苏丹小学(1-8年级)数学、英语、科学英语三个科目的教材编写总纲修订展开研讨、审查和验收。作为商务部立项主导,中南传媒具体承担的国内首个综合性教育援外项目,中南传媒集结国内顶尖基础教育编写团队,力求为南苏丹的师生奉上好用、好看的教材,助力南苏丹教育重建。

  Rednet (Changsha): In recent two days, three major publishing houses subordinated to China South Publishing & Media Group were engaged in connection with officials and scholars from South Sudan in education circles. They carried out discussion, inspection and acceptance on compilation of math, English and Scientific English textbooks for South Sudan primary school students. Guided by Department of Commerce, China South Publishing & Media Group undertakes the domestic first comprehensive education China-aid foreign project to present quality textbooks for South Sudan teachers and students and further foster South Sudan educational reconstruction.

  Original link: 中南传媒助力南苏丹教育 量身定制三个科目教材