Knowing All about Hunan

Xu Dazhe presided over the provincial government’s executive meeting

Updated:2017-03-28 10:08:47

  红网长沙3月27日讯(时刻新闻记者 刘玉先)今天下午,湖南省长许达哲主持召开省政府常务会议,研究部署行业协会商会脱钩、农村低保标准与国家扶贫标准“两线合一”、中国计量科学研究院长沙基地项目建设、第五届省长质量奖评审等工作。

  Rednet (Changsha): On the afternoon of March 27, Xu Dazhe, Governor of Hunan Province, presided over the provincial government’s executive meeting to study the deployment of the following issues: unhooking connections between industry association and chamber of commerce, unification between minimum living standards in rural areas and national poverty-relief standards, building Changsha Base project of National Institute of Metrology, review on the 5thProvincial Governor Quality Award, etc.

  Original link: 许达哲主持省政府常务会议 部署行业协会商会脱钩