Knowing All about Hunan

Shangxiang Village named Characteristic Minority Villages of China

Updated:2017-03-28 16:18:26


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  红网通道县分站3月27日讯(通讯员 吴瑞雄 杨光益 韦祯含)近日,国家民委发布《关于命名第二批中国少数民族特色村寨的通知》,全国共有717个村寨被作为第二批“中国少数民族特色村寨”予以命名挂牌,湖南省通道县播阳镇上湘村名列其中。加上2014年首批入选的坪坦乡坪坦村、横岭村,通道“中国少数民族特色村寨”总数达到3个!

  Rednet (Tongdao County): Recently there are 717 domestic villages included in the second-batch name list of “Characteristic Minority Villages of China”. The good news that Shangxiang Village, Boyang Town, Tongdao County, Hunan Province, enters the list. So far, there are three villages named “Characteristic Minority Villages of China” in Tongdao County, Hunan Province, including the first-batch two villages, namely, Pingtan Village and Hengling Village.

  Original link: 通道上湘村获“中国少数民族特色村寨”殊荣