Knowing All about Hunan

Du: Let Justice Covers Every Part of Hunan

Updated:2017-04-07 10:21:53

全省法院工作会议在长沙召开。The meeting of the work on Hunan Provincial Courts is held in Changsha.

1070名在人民法院工作届满30周年的同志被授予“荣誉天平奖章”。Balance Medals are presented to 1070 workers for their 30 years of work in the People's Court.

  红网长沙4月6日讯(时刻新闻记者 廖洁 摄影 李长宏)今天上午,全省法院工作会议在长沙召开。湖南省委书记、省人大常委会主任杜家毫强调,要牢牢把握法院工作正确政治方向,围绕中心、服务大局,深入推进司法体制改革,肩扛公正天平、手持正义之剑,让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。

  Rednet (Changsha): The meeting of the work on Hunan Provincial Courts was held in Changsha, April 6. Du Jiahao, Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committe and Director of Hunan Provincial NPC Standing Committee, stressed that the work of People's Court should be done by firmly grasping the right political direction of the court work,centering around the overall situation, with the in-depth reform of the judiciary,so that the masses can feel fair and justice in every judicial case.


  Other provincial leaders attended the meeting, including Huang Guanchun, Han Yongwen, Xie Jianhui, Hu Xusheng. Kang Weimin made the work report of Hunan provincial senior people's Court.


  Last year, Hunan provincial Courts receive 629,800 cases,closed 614,900 cases, the increasing rates are 10.93% and 15.33% respectively, which are the new record ever since.

  Original link: 杜家毫:让司法公正的阳光普照三湘大地