Knowing All about Hunan

COFCO Coca-cola Huazhong Beverage Limited operates in Hunan

Updated:2017-04-12 11:15:09


  On the morning of April 11, COFCO Coca-cola Huazhong Beverage Limited was formally put into operation.


  Zhang Jianfei, deputy governor of Hunan Provincial People’s Government delivered a speech.

可口可乐公司董事长兼首席执行官穆泰康(Muhtar Kent)向中粮可口可乐总裁栾秀菊赠送中可华中厂投产礼物。

  Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO of Coca-cola Corporation presented the gift to president Luan Xiuju of COFCO Coca-cola for the operation of COFCO Coca-cola Huazhong Beverage Limited.

  红网长沙4月11日讯(时刻新闻记者 唐频辉)今天上午,中粮可口可乐华中饮料有限公司(下称“中可华中公司”)正式投产。中可华中公司成为中粮集团与可口可乐两家世界500强企业在湖南投资建立的第二家装瓶厂。作为华中区规模最大、拥有世界级先进水平的可口可乐工厂,位于国家级望城经济技术开发区,占地226.18亩,总投资3.2亿元。新厂共计划建设9条生产线,分别为4条水品生产线、4条汽水生产线和1条果汁生产线,目前已有4条启动生产,2020年可实现全部投产。届时,中可华中公司预计年产将达100万吨。

  Rednet (Changsha): On the morning ofApril 11, COFCO Coca-cola Huazhong Beverage Limited was formally put into operation. COFCO Coca-cola Huazhong Beverage Limited is the second coca-cola bottling plant jointly established in Hunan by COFCO Group and Coca-cola Corporation. As the largest scale coca-cola plant in Central China, COFCO Coca-cola Huazhong Beverage Limited is located in national-level Wangcheng Economic and Technical Development Zone with the total investment of 320 million yuan. All production lines of the plant are expected to be put into operation till 2020, when its annual output will be estimated to be 1 million tons.

  Original link: 年产量达100万吨 华中区最大可口可乐装瓶厂正式投产