Knowing All about Hunan

Governor Xu inspects Yueyang city for flood prevention and other deployments

Updated:2017-04-20 14:38:08

  湖南日报4月19日讯(记者 冒蕞)4月18日至19日,省委副书记、省长许达哲在岳阳调研防汛等工作。许达哲强调,要本着以人民为中心的发展思想,切实抓好防汛工作,确保防患于未然。同时要弹好钢琴,统筹做好脱贫攻坚、环境治理和经济社会发展各项工作,用各级干部的辛苦付出换取老百姓的安宁和幸福。

  According to Hunan Daily news, during April 18th-19th, Xu Dazhe, deputy secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Governor of Hunan Province inspected Yueyang for flood prevention, etc. He emphasized, in the people-oriented development thought, to strengthen flood prevention work and take preventive measures. Meanwhile, cadres at all levels of Yueyang city shall carry out good deployments in poverty alleviation, environmental governance, and other economic social development related work for the ordinary people’s happiness and peace.


  Wang Qun, secretary general of Hunan Provincial People’s Government, also joined the inspection on Yueyang city.

  Original link: 许达哲在岳阳调研:切实抓好防汛准备 统筹做好各项工作