Knowing All about Hunan

Hunan tourism hits a record hign during May holiday

Updated:2017-05-02 10:06:19


  Tourists visited Hengshan Mountain, Hengyang, Hunan during May Holiday.(Photo/Cao Zhengping)


  Tianmen Mountain promoted an air travel route in a helicopter during May Holiday.(Photo/Shao Ying)

  红网长沙5月1日讯(时刻新闻记者 姚冶)据时刻新闻从湖南省旅游发展委员会获得的数据,今年“五一”小长假(4月29日-5月1日)期间,湖南省旅游接待人数再创新高。全省预计接待旅游者1272.7万人次(其中过夜旅游者246.9万人次,一日游旅游者1025.8万人次),比清明小长假增长24.57%,共实现旅游总收入78.59亿元人民币。

  Rednet (Changsha): It is reported that, during May Holiday (April 29-May 1), Hunan is expected to receive tourists of 12,727,000 persons/time, increasing by 24.57% compared with Qingming Festival, and to realize the total tourist income of 7,859 million yuan.

  Original link: 五一小长假1273万人次游湖南 为历年最高