Knowing All about Hunan

Non-profit art exhibition for children's paintings held

Updated:2017-05-02 14:19:13


  Painter Li Zijian and children from the first welfare house of Changsha planted the “Hope Tree”, jointly wishing ecological balance and beautiful environment on the earth.

  红网长沙4月29日讯(时刻新闻记者 王娟娟)4月29日上午,2017“象·远足”大型儿童创意美学公益艺术展在李自健美术馆正式开幕,现场共展出400多幅儿童创意绘画作品,活动持续至5月1日。李自健美术馆创始人、著名画家李自健到场参加。

  Rednet (Changsha): On the morning of April 29, 2017 Non-profit Art Exhibition for Children’s Creativity Aesthetics (last till May 1) was opened in Li Zijian Art Gallery, displaying more than 400 children’s creative paintings. Painter Li Zijian, also founder of the art gallery attended the opening ceremony.

  Original link: 李自健美术馆展出400余幅“象•远足”儿童创意画作