Knowing All about Hunan

Governor Xu inspects Xiangtan city

Updated:2017-05-04 10:02:44

5月3日,省委副书记、省长许达哲在湘潭调研并与湘大青年学子交流。图片均为湖南日报记者 赵持 摄

  On May 3, Xu Dazhe,deputy secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Governor of Hunan Province inspects Xiangtan and exchanges with students of Xiangtan University. (Photo/ Zhao Chi, a journalist of Hunan Daily)



  According to Hunan Daily news, on May 3, Xu Dazhe, deputy secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Governor of Hunan Province inspected Xiangtan at industrial parks, enterprises , colleges and universities, and exchanged with students of Xiangtan University. Xu Dazhe urged enterprises to based on their own advantages, enhance their core competitiveness, constantly explore domestic and overseas markets and achieve to be bigger and stronger. Xu also required Xiangtan University to highlight preponderant disciplines and strive toward the world’s top-class university with first-rate disciplines.

  Original link: 许达哲:湘潭大学要朝建设“双一流”目标不断奋进