Knowing All about Hunan

Beijing Automobile's new factory completed in Hunan

Updated:2017-05-07 10:38:28


  On May 6, Beijing Automobile Zhuzhou Base No. 2 Factory was formally completed, and the brand-new SAAB D50 limousines rolled off the assembly line.


  Leaders jointly launched the ceremony for SAAB D50 limousines rolling off the assembly line.


  The brand-new SAAB D50 limousines.

  红网株洲5月6日讯(时刻新闻记者 廖洁 刘玉先 摄影 李长宏)京湘合作绘宏图,自主典范启新程。今天上午,北京汽车株洲基地二工厂正式落成,全新绅宝D50轿车同时下线。湖南省委书记、省人大常委会主任杜家毫宣布工厂落成与新车下线,省委副书记、省长许达哲讲话。

  Rednet (Zhuzhou): On the morning of May 6, Du Jiahao (Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People’s Congress) announced that, Beijing Automobile Zhuzhou Base No. 2 Factory was formally completed, and the brand-new SAAB D50 limousines rolled off the assembly line. Xu Dazhe (Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Governor of Hunan Province) made a speech at the launching ceremony.

  Original link:北汽株洲基地二工厂落成新车下线 杜家毫许达哲出席仪式